WorldWide Drilling Resource
Reply to: WORLDWIDE Drilling Resource PO Box 660 • Bonifay FL 32425-0660 850-547-0102 PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID ATLANTA GA PERMIT NO. 3592 SEMCO INC. E-mail: CALL OUR TOLL-FREE NUMBER: 800-541-1562 PO Box 1216 7595 US Hwy 50 Lamar CO 81052-1216 719-336-9006 719-336-2402 Fax Longmire Swaging, Inc. 13817 16th Avenue Lemoore, CA 93245 SEMCO S12,000 Old Style Pump Hoist, 44' derrick, A-frame, 2,000' capacity sandreel, (2) hydraulic oil coolers, hot shift PTO automatic transmission, LED light kit for mast, auxiliary hydro valve, power tong hook-up to the rear, S14H Hydrorench w/quickconnects&hoses, 16' steel flatbed, factory mountedoncustomer's 2017 Ford F-750. l I i li r if -