WoldWide Drilling Resource

T64 Schramm 3406B Cat ® power , with 900/350 Sullair rebuilt compressor, 0 hrs, rig refurbished................ $165,000 OBO 918-534-9901 or Cell: 918-534-6022 2003-1018 Cummins QSK 19 eng. , SS#60600398, CPL#2810, refurb., 525 hp... $24,000 OBO NEW Sullivan-Palatek air compressor, 0 hrs., 1150/350 OR can be a 900/500, SS#3001-00023............... $32,000 OBO 918-534-9901 or Cell: 918-534-6022 2003-1018 2003-1018 Mobile Equipment Service Co. 1222 Industrial Way Dewey, OK 74029 Shop: 918-534-9901 • Cell: 918-534-6022 Manufacturing, Sales, and Services of Drilling, Industrial, and Oilfield Equipment Sullivan compressors S.R. drilling rigs • Complete service & rebuild shop • Diesel engine overhauls • Hyd r au l i c sys t em des i gn and rebuilding services • Machine shop - weld and fabrication services • All type welding services Ronnie’s Real World is back . . . I read a great deal. What really peaks my interest are the many newsletters we receive from state associations. Some articles are kept because I want to share them with you. It may take some time for me to get around to them, but there is a lot involved. It has to be the right time. This particular article came from the Second Quarter - 2018 NJGWA Newsletter and was written by Ron Barber - Master Driller / Summit Drilling. “Things We Take For Granted What made me think of writing this was our last snowstorm. I had gotten home a little early that day because of the snow and I took a nap. When I awoke, I had no power. I have lived in my house for 32 years and can count the number of times I’ve lost power, for more than 5 minutes, on one hand. Today, my neighbors had another tree go down. The last time we lost power was when one of their trees tore down the power lines, snapped the pole in half, and brought the transformer down. It ripped the electrical meter right off his house into the street. We were without power for 4 days. The Fire Department wouldn’t touch the tree because it had a power line in it. The power company estimated 4-5 days to get out there, so the neighbors and I went out and cut it up. The tree had fallen across the cul de sac trapping us in. Little things like having power really is just something you take for granted! Being able to leave your house when you want to is something you take for granted. I started to think about other things we take for granted. Most of us in the business started drilling when we were young. Our youthful vigor and enthusiasm is something we always thought would be there, but then old age starts to creep up on us. We still think a good game, but sometimes our bodies don’t work like they used to. Most of us in the drilling business started fairly healthy. Then small or sometimes big ailments come into play. Joints go bad, your hearing starts to go. You get arthritis in places you never knew you had, and unfortunately sometimes more serious illnesses. We tend to take our health for granted! After many years, we sometimes take our jobs for granted. A lot of drillers are in family businesses. They are fairly safe, but for others, they could get laid off, hurt, fired, or the company shuts down. You just never know what the future brings. Your friends and family are something you can take for granted. Friends move away or you just lose touch because of the hectic world we live in or for a variety of other reasons. Your family members are just there, you never think much about it, you just take it for granted. Then the kids grow up and go out on their own and then one day they’re not there like they used to be. A lot of you know that I just lost my wife to cancer. That’s something I took for granted. One day we were planning our retirement and what we were going to do later on in life, and the next day she’s not there anymore. I guess the point I’m getting at is that it is easy to take things for granted. Wake up and appreciate what you have, you just never know when it or they won’t be there. I now have a new perspective on life. Not to be cliché, but slow down and smell the roses. You’ll be better off for it!” I just want to say thank-you Ron for sharing this with us. It really does hit home for so many of us - whether we are drilling contractors or what our lot in life is. Life is too short ~ enjoy what you have, while you have it. Veronica I. “Ronnie” Jones, WorldWide Drilling Resource, Inc., Managing Publisher 68 JULY 2019 WorldWide Drilling Resource i ®® WWDR wishes everyone a great Independence Day. The WWDR office will be closed on July 4, 2019.