WorldWide Drilling Resource

38 MARCH 2021 WorldWide Drilling Resource® I myself have documented testimony from many hundreds of landowners for whom I have located satisfactory groundwater supplies by this method after all previous attempts had failed.” After my short little speech, he said, “Well, if I hire you, what kind of guarantee do you give me that you'll locate a good water supply on my property?” Taken aback by his question, I then asked what kind of guarantee the drilling contractor had given him, and what kind of guarantee the local geology charts had provided, and what kind of guarantee did he have that God had actually put a satisfactory water source under his property. Because of his evident pompous demeanor, I added that “when someone hires an attorney, there are no guarantees of a successful outcome; or when someone goes to a doctor for a serious health problem, there are no guarantees they will be cured, but like an attorney, they only apply their skills to the best of their ability with whatever expertise they might possess.” After a few seconds of silence he said, “All right, what do you charge for what you claim to be able to do?” I told him what my fee would be, and after some hesitation, he said he was now willing to try anything. He gave directions to the property, and I told him I would be on-site in the morning. Immediately after our conversation, I called the drilling contractor and asked him about the situation. He said he told the homeowner to call me after the first dry hole was drilled, but the geologist homeowner said there was no way in h - - l he was ever going to hire any water witcher. So they ended up drilling two more dry holes. Obviously, the homeowner changed his mind and called. Hearing this, I wished I had not agreed to help the guy after all. When I arrived at the property the next morning, it was obvious the man was not in the best of moods. I could understand his frustration with the events that led up to my being on the property, but if he had drilled for a water source first, before he began construction of the new home, it might have prevented his current dilemma. After a less than firm handshake in greeting, he sarcastically said to me, “Go ahead and do your thing!” Rather than respond in some way, I decided to just go ahead and “do my thing” and get out of there as soon as possible. “Doing my thing”, I was able to locate a live-water flow closer to his new home than the previous dry holes. After I marked the path of the flow on the ground and selected a drilling site nearest the home, he looked at me and said, “You can't prove that water flows underground like you say it does, can you?” Not knowing how to respond to his sudden comment, I said to him, “Maybe I can't, but if I can locate these flows when you geologists can't, I really don't care.” He didn't respond. I could certainly understand his frustration with the drilling of the previous dry holes, but here I was, trying to help, and he just couldn't quite accept the possibility that some lowly “water witcher” might know something he did not. He paid my fee, and I couldn't wait to get out of his driveway. Two days later, the drilling contractor called to say a great well was drilled on the site I selected. The geologist never called to thank me or to tell me the results of the drilling. To this day, however, I am willing to bet he never shared any account of this experience with his “colleagues”. I have often said: “Opening a closed mind is far more difficult than dowsing for a water source.” The statements and comments in this article are based on information and references believed to be true and factual. If you have any questions or comments, please forward them to me in care of WWDR. Jim Jim Kuebelbeck may be contacted via e-mail to Kuebelbeck cont’d from page 37.