WorldWide Drilling Resource

23 WorldWide Drilling Resource ® MAY 2015 Water from the Wind Compiled by Amy White, Associate Editor WorldWide WorldWide Drilling Resource Resource ® Wi ndmi l l s have been used to move water for l ivestock since the 1600s; but d i d you know modern wi nd- mills are still pro- viding rel iable, low-maintenance service? As people increasingly embrace simple solutions in a complicated world, windmi l ls are making a comeback. According to some manufacturers, more windmills are pumping water today than at the turn of the century. How exactly do windmi l ls pump water? The wind’s power is harnessed in two steps. Each step is easy to see by simply watching a windmill in action. First, watch how the fan turns. At the top of the tower, a large circular fan or “wheel” cap- tures energy from the wind as it turns in the breeze. Second, if you look just below the turning wheel, you’ll notice a long rod moving up and down. It’s called the “suck- er rod” and is powered by the windmill’s motor - a unique set of mechanical gears which convert the wheel’s rotary motion into an up-and-down motion powering a cylinder pump deep in the ground, bring- ing water to the surface. Simply put, a windmill pumps water from a well as if the well has a giant straw in it. Windmill pumps can serve a variety of purposes. They’re commonly used to irrigate pastures and gardens, water live- stock, as wel l as supply and aerate ponds. Anything more for household use would require a tank on stilts or a water tower to provide enough pressure. Although there are many factors to take into account, if electrical power is over ¼ mile from the well, an off-grid sys- tem such as a windmill should be consid- ered. Perhaps some of your customers need to get water to animals in a remote pasture far from the nearest utility pole. Before a client can have a windmill pump installed, they must have a well drilled and know the depth of the water table. This factor will determine the size windmill needed to pump water to the sur- face. Water pumping windmills are typi- cally installed directly above a drilled well. Centering the windmill over the well is of utmost importance since flexing or bending of the pump rod will lead to excess friction and premature failure of pump parts. Awindmill should be located 400 feet from the nearest structure, and the top of the tower should be 15 feet taller than the tallest surrounding structure. Of course, this isn’t always possible, so the best bet is for your customer to purchase the tallest tower their pocketbook can afford to be sure the windmill head clears the top of nearby structures in the path of prevailing winds. One example of a modern windmill pump option is the WindEngine 702™. Manufactured in Mexico since 1953, thousands of these high-quality windmills have been sold in the U.S. with no report- ed warranty issues to date. Needless to say, their popularity has steadily in- creased over the years. The WindEngine 702™ produces at least three gallons per minute in a breeze of 18 to 20 mi l es per hour, a s s u m i n g t h e pump in the well’s bottom is a 1-7/8- i n c h - d i ame t e r cylinder connected to 2-inch drop pipe. Greater production of water can be achieved by using a larger cylinder, pipe, and windmill head. If you have a customer who needs to pump water and has access to a suitable wind site, discuss this modern, historic technology with them. After all, wind is free, so why not consider it? Agua del Viento Compilado por Amy White, Editor Asociado WorldWide Drilling Resource ® Los molinos de viento se han usado para mover agua para el ganado desde la década de 1600; pero ¿sabía usted que los molinos modernos de viento todavía proporcionan servicio confiable y de bajo mantenimiento? Ya que la gente busca cada vez más soluciones simples en un mundo complicado, molinos de viento están reapareciendo. Según algunos productores, molinos de viento están bombeando más agua hoy que en el cambio de siglo. ¿Cómo es exactamente que los molinos de viento bombean agua? El poder del viento es aprovechado en dos etapas. Cada paso es fácil de ver con simplemente observar un molino de vien- to en acción. Primero observe cómo gira el ventilador. En la parte superior de la torre, un gran ventilador circular o rueda capta la energía del viento, y la convierte en brisa. Luego, si nos fijamos debajo de la rueda, notaremos una vara larga moviéndose arriba y abajo. Se llama la “varilla de bombeo” y es impulsada por el motor del molino - un conjunto único de engranajes mecánicos que convierten el movimiento de rotación de la rueda en un movimiento hacia arriba y abajo impul- sando una bomba de cilindro debajo del suelo, trayendo el agua a la superficie. En pocas palabras, un molino de viento bombea agua de un pozo, como si el pozo tuviera un popote gigante. Las bombas de molino de viento pueden servir para muchos propósitos. Son comúnmente utilizadas para el riego de pastos y jardines, agua para ganado, así como también el suministro para estanques. Algo más para uso doméstico necesitara un tanque sobre una torre de agua para proporcionar suficiente pre- sión. Aunque hay que tener en cuenta muchos factores, si la energía eléctrica está a más de un ¼ de milla del pozo, The WindEngine 702™ in action. Hector Leos Translator 2",/ # / 4%,/#03())$ ',+$ 5 ),4"$+1$/ ),,- -2*- *,#2)$0 /$ 3 () !)$ %,/ !,1' /$0(#$+1( ) +# ",**$/"( ) &/,2+# ),,- '$ 1(+& +# ",,)(+& 0601$*0 ,*- 1(!)$ 4(1' 1'$0$ -2*-0 ),4"$+1$/0 " + !$ ",+ %(&2/$# 4(1' ,/ -2*- 2+(10 1, * 1"' #(% %$/$+1 ), # /$.2(/$*$+10 /,#2"10 (+")2#$ ),4"$+1$/0 7 $,1'$/* ) ),0$# ,,- (11(+&0 7 $-) "$*$+1 2*-0 7 ,0$ (10 +# ""$00,/($0 7 /( !)$ -$$# 2*-0 Water fromWind trans. cont’d on page 26.