WorldWide Drilling Resource
be very rewarding too. Aside from hav- ing the opportunity to create wonderful and unique art, Caryn said the best part of her business is meeting people at trade events from all over the world, and learning about the oi l and gas industry as she goes. Original works by Landauer Art can already be found in all sorts of places, includ- ing the Ocean Star Offshore Drilling Rig Museum’s gift shop in Galveston, Texas, a n d t h e wa l l s o f Chevron. With her bright vest and warm per- sonality, Caryn made qui te a statement , obtaining a number of new prospects and possibi l ities for Landauer Art. As she made her rounds, I’m so glad Caryn stopped by the WWDR booth to talk with us. For a moment amid the trade show rush, how refresh- ing it was to see a beautiful vest cov- ered in bright oil rigs, and hear about the family business behind it. 58 MAY 2015 WorldWide Drilling Resource ® You never know who you’re going to bump into at a trade show, as drilling brings together so many walks of life. At the Offshore Technology Conference (OTC) last year, I met someone with a rather unique occupation - an artist who creates commissioned works for the oil and gas industry. Wearing a vest covered in oil rigs of many colors, she stood out among the crowd. Her name is Caryn, and she’s owned and operated Landauer Art, LLC in Houston, Texas, since 1998. The fam- ily art business includes Caryn and her mother Ruth, as well as her aunt, broth- er, sister-in-law, and dad. Oi l rigs have been the focus of their latest creations. The company fuses oil industry images together with abstract water and sky artwork to cre- ate unique designs which have been well-received since their introduction at the Houston Energy Corridor District’s 2013 EnergyFest. Landauer ’s oi l rig paintings are being reproduced as printed works on paper and canvas, as well as promo- tional items and marketing products such as vests, lanyards, jewelry, coast- ers, tiles, and much more. As with any small business, owning and operating an art business comes with its share of challenges; but it can Lasting Impressions by Amy White Associate Editor, WWWWDDRR with Information from Landauer Art Ruth and Caryn Landauer. Photos courtesy of Landauer Art. Caryn’s vest David, Bart, and Danny with Custom Pipe & Coupling. What is this? Keep up with WWDR . Dave & John, Dotson Sales. The GEFCO guys are all here!