WorldWide Drilling Resource

To be noticed, give us a call: (850) 547-0102 or e-mail: &DUROLQH 6WUHHW 3XQ[VXWDZQH\ 3$ :HE 6LWH KWWS ZZZ VWDULURQZRUNV FRP ( PDLO VDOHV#VWDULURQZRUNV FRP )$; 12 MAY 2019 WorldWide Drilling Resource ® New Mineral Discovered in Israel Adapted from Information by Shefa Yamim Exploration & Mining An exploration company in Israel, Shefa Yamim, announced a new mineral has been discovered in one of its gemstones, the Carmel Sapphire™, which is a newly discovered type of corundum, the same mineral found in blue sapphires and rubies. Although it is similar in appear- ance to typical corundum, it is unlike any other sap- phire in the world. This particular sapphire contains a mixture of unusual minerals, including those found in primitive meteorites. They occur in fragmental lavas which erupted from small volca- noes on Mt. Carmel in the late Cretaceous period. The newly recognized mineral within this special sapphire has been named Carmeltazite. When it was first discovered by the company, it was given its name based on the location of its discovery on Mt. Carmel (Carmel) and its major chemical compo- nents, titanium, aluminum, and zirconium (Taz). It is part of the mineral assemblage found as tiny inclusions inside the Carmel sapphire. The International Mineralogical Association (IMA) Commission on New Minerals, Nomenclature and Classification officially recognized carmeltazite under the number 2018-103. Avi Taub, CEO of Shefa Yamim said, "We are delighted that our Carmel Sapphire™ has been recognized as a host to many rare minerals . . . The Carmel Sapphire™ is a unique discovery because it has not been found anywhere else in the world . . . Studies of [the] Carmel Sapphire™ and its new minerals mark another milestone in the Company's journey as we continue our progress towards trial mining . . ." In addition to Carmel sapphires, the company’s drilling and sampling of the prospect area in Northern Israel has led to the discovery of blue sapphires, rubies, hibonites, and large natural moissanite crystals, as well as diamonds. Editor’s Note: In between our print issues, the WWDR Team prepares an electronic newsletter called E-News Flash . Based on readership, this was the most pop ular E-News Flash article of the month. Get in on the action and subscribe today at: EXB