WorldWide Drilling Resource®
WorldWide SUPER MART™ Call Now! 850-547-0102 Kathy QUICK CASH MONEY Paid for Drill Rigs, Pump Hoists, Mud Pumps, Drill Pipe, & Bits. RENE HENDON Tel: 281-260-0880 120-120 992 CME-95 on Mack tri-axle. 1982 CME-75 gas on 2006 Int’l under CDL. 2007 Geoprobe 7730 track. Geoprobe 5400 on 4x4 Bobcat Toolcat. Geoprobe 5400 unmounted. 2008 Vacmaster 4000 air knife on 2007 Int’l truck, small skidsteer mount rotary drill. Call Rich: 734-279-2059 130-1277 Auger drill rig Mobile Drill B-61 HDX , 6-cyl. diesel deck eng. on 1998 tandem axle F-900................................. $55,000 Much tooling at additional cost. Call or text Jim: 281-773-8293 130-1258 51 WorldWide Drilling Resourcec ®® AUGUST 2020 220-822 130-1247 CME-850X track-carrier auger drill rig , manufactured 2000, 4BCummins engine, metal cleat tracks, in/out and side to side slide base, auto hammer, breakout table withwrench, (3) hoists pluswirelinewinch, L8Moyno pump w/new drivemotor, new starter and alternator, angle drill capable, cathead. Ready to drill............ $85,000 614-620-2212 220-1278 We supply new and rerun PDC & tri-cone drill bits for HDD, water well, and geothermal drilling. We can repair your PDC bits in house. Call or e-mail us! 337-446-3230 220-919 Jerry’s Bit Service Inc. will meet your every drilling need. We service and sell tricone, PDCs, as well as hole openers. Rather rent a PDC? No problem. Got you covered. Our company will repair your PDC regardless if it is a rental or purchase. (940) 683-2874 Fax: (940) 683-2874 Mobile: (940) 393-2394 Contact: Jerry Shoemaker Jerry’s Bit Service Inc. 710 CR 3336 Paradise TX 76073 USA 220-1238 Value is not just price, but the overall service and experience offered by Throop Rock Bit Company. An ISO 9001 / TS 29001 Registered Organization (580) 628-3416 Fax: (580) 628-2703 E-mail: T 220-712 220-162 Call, Fax, or E-mail for Quotes PO Box 1067 Archer City, Texas 76351 940-574-2238 940-574-4977 Fax e-mail : Visit our website: 220-1108 October Issue Deadlines! Space Reservation: August 25 th Display & Classified Ad Copy: September 1 st
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