WorldWide Drilling Resource®
9 WorldWide Drilling Resource ® AUGUST 2020 Measuring Safety Performance Associated Builders and Contractors released its 2020 Safety Performance Report , an annual assessment that furthers the construction industry’s understanding of how to achieve world-class safety through its STEP Safety Management System. It documents the dramatic impact of using proactive safety practices to reduce recordable incidents by up to 88%, making the best performing companies 827% safer than the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics’ industry average. Findings Include: 0 Safety training, new hire safety orientation, and behavior-based safety observations, leads to a 70% reduction in TRIR (Total Recordable Incident Rate) and a 71% reduction in DART (Days Away, Restricted, or Transferred Rate) numbers. 0 Companies conducting daily toolbox safety meetings reduce TRIR by 82% compared to companies holding them monthly. 0 Having a written personal protection equipment policy that is consistently and universally enforced, conducting an annual needs assessment, and continually investing in new equipment leads to a 62% reduction in TRIR and a 65% reduction in DART rates. The report is based on data gathered from ABC member companies recording nearly one billion hours of work in con- struction, heavy construction, civil engineering, and specialty trades, tracking 35 data points from STEP. To see the entire 2020 Safety Performance Report , click on this page in our online issue at:
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