38 DECEMBER 2020 WorldWide Drilling Resource ® Exploration Continues in Canada’s Scottie Gold Mine Adapted from Information by Scottie Resources Corp. Scottie Resources Corp. is continuing its exploration of its Scottie Gold Mine in Canada, with helicopter borne magnetic and electromagnetic surveys (EM), and two induced polarization (IP) survey grids on its Scottie Gold claims in northern British Columbia’s (BC’s) Golden Triangle. The Scottie Gold Mine is a past producing mine, which operated from 1981 through 1985. Drilling in 2019, confirmed the mine was not mined out or drilled off, and mineralization remains wide open. During the 2020 field season, Scottie completed more than 23,000 feet of diamond drilling. CEO Bradley Rourke said, “The 2020 drill results continue to intersect gold and silver mineralization. Drilling at Blueberry and the O-Zone continues to expand mineralization down dip and along strike beyond previous extents. Scottie Resources continues to aggressively explore and develop the Scottie Gold Mine Project. These geophysical surveys will enhance our technical data and understanding for future drill targeting. Drill progress has been better than expected.” The EM survey, carried out by Precision GeoSurveys Inc., will be using a Triumph AirTEM™ time-domain electromagnetic system. Historic multifrequency EM surveys indicate the mineralization is conductive due to pyrrhotite which coincides with gold mineralization at the mine, as well as other drill certified targets. The ground IP geophysical surveys, to be carried out by Scott Geophysics, a BCbased specialized IP survey contractor will be conducted over the Bend and Domino Zones. The grid on the Bend structure will be used to produce a detailed 3D inversion model of the Bend vein and target other high-grade ore shoots along the larger structure. The grid on the Domino Zone will be a wider spaced survey used to identify large-scale anomalies between the Scottie Gold Mine and the Domino Zone. The company owns a 100% interest in the high-grade, past-producing Scottie Gold Mine and Bow properties, and has the option to purchase a 100% interest in Summit Lake claims which are near the Scottie Gold Mine property. Helicopters were used to service the drill rig during the 2019 drilling campaign. Feeling Stressed? Get a Lile Dirt on Your Hands Compiled by Bonnie Love, Editor, WorldWide Drilling Resource ® Most workers on the drill site spend their time in the mud and dirt, but did you know getting your hands dirty could actually improve your mood? Scientists discovered a bacteria in dirt which actually reduces stress in humans. You heard that right. A bacteria found in dirt, called mycobacterium vaccae (M. vaccae), increases serotonin in the prefrontal cortex, which modulates anxiety. It has even been compared to Prozac without all of the side effects. The bacteria was first discovered in Uganda in the 1970s, by immunologist John Stanford after noticing people living in the area of Lake Kyoga had responded better to certain leprosy vaccines. They later realized the bacteria in the lakeshore’s soil had properties that enhanced the body’s immune response, which increased the vaccine’s effectiveness. Back in 2004, an oncologist thought this bacteria could possibly help her lung cancer patients live longer by boosting their immune system. Unfortunately it wasn’t successful in helping fight off cancer, but the doctor did notice a big improvement in her patients’ quality of life. The patients were happier and showed stronger cognitive functioning. The bacteria had reduced the stress of having cancer. Scientists then injected the bacteria into mice and put them through stress tests to see if this bacteria could reduce stress. The results showed the mice with M. vaccae in their system were, in fact, less stressed, and even acted as if they were on antidepressants. Other studies fed mice M. vaccae-laced peanut butter sandwiches and watched as they raced through a maze quicker than their counterparts. In addition to elevating their mood, the bacteria seemed to give the mice a brain boost. This study demonstrated the bacteria could be eaten, rather than injected, and still provide benefits. Chris Lowry, an associate professor at the University of Colorado Boulder, has been researching M. vaccae for nearly 20 years. He hopes to develop a bacteria-based immunization for stress, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) using this friendly bacteria. Currently, he is working with Lisa Brenner, director of the Veteran Affairs Rocky Mountain Mental Illness Research Education and Clinical Center in Denver, to conduct research with Veterans suffering from PTSD and mild traumatic brain injury to see if an altered version of M. vaccae bacteria can help ease symptoms. Although a vaccine is a long way off, we all have access to nature’s antidepressant. So, get a little dirty today, you’ll probably feel better. WWDRphoto. WTR EXB