WorldWide Drilling Resource®
Reply to: WorldWide Drilling Resource, Inc. PO Box 660 • Bonifay FL 32425-0660 850-547-0102 PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID ATLANTA GA PERMIT NO. 3592 SEMCO INC. E-mail: CALL OUR TOLL-FREE NUMBER: 800-541-1562 PO Box 1216 7595 US Hwy 50 Lamar CO 81052-1216 719-336-9006 719-336-2402 Fax Thank you to our customer in Panama City, Florida Culligan Water Services, Inc. Stop by and see us at the 2020 CWWCA Annual Conference in Denver, Colorado, January 8-10 at the Denver Marriott Tech Center. SEMCO S6,000 Pump Hoist, 35’ derrick, 2-speed winch, hot shift PTO automatic transmission, remote control, pipe racks with ratchet straps, hydraulic oil cooler, 108 model service with mini bed and heavy-duty air bumper, mounted on 2019 Ford F-550, 84" CA, 6.7L diesel, automatic. l i i li r , I . if - T S P ID TL T G IT . 3592
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