WorldWide Drilling Resource®
Danos Launches New Training Program Adapted from Information by Danos Oilfield service provider, Danos strives to offer the most respon- sive end-to-end integrated service solutions to the industry. The company achieves world-class safety results and customer loy- alty due to a values-based approach and an unyielding commitment to employee engagement and training. A new virtual reality (VR) competency assessment and training program for employees has been implemented. With this technol- ogy, Danos will drive down costs for customers while increasing safety and minimizing exposure. “It’s critical that employees be assessed for competency, and the costs and risks of doing this on-site are tremendous,” said owner Eric Danos. “By eliminating the need to send employees offshore or to a remote jobsite, we can provide savings to our customers in time, cost, and unnecessary risk.” The program uses VR software and headsets so employees can see a jobsite and virtually perform tasks. By utilizing VR to assess and train employees, Danos is improving efficiencies in both land- based and offshore work environments. Employees undergoing assess- ment are able to demonstrate they can perform a task rather than sim- ply explaining the steps involved. At the same time, the technology creates an accelerated learning process by allowing employees to see the internal workings of equipment in the program’s animated view. “Millennials are the largest group in our workforce, and they learn differently than previous generations,” remarked Danos. “We need to attract new employees in a way that resonates with their skills and experience, and VR is one way to do that.” Danos said employees are embracing the hands-on, techno- logically advanced approach to training, and hopes to appeal to those entering the labor market. the largest audience. This is because human beings tend to have what’s known as a negativity bias. We are more likely to remember negative experiences over positive ones. We dwell and ruminate more over insults, criti- cism, failure, loss, and abandonment, than we do our successes. Again, this dates back to the evolution of our caveman ancestors because those who paid attention to threats, risks, and other lethal dangers were those who survived and passed on their genes. Bad news warns us we may need to make a change. It is our negativity bias that cues us to notice bad news. Media companies know this and use it to their advantage. There is an old saying in television news: “If it bleeds; it leads.” The more a story scares you, the more likely you are to watch it, and follow it. The first step in dealing with fear is to recognize you are afraid, before you act upon it. Step back and identify the exact cause of your fear. Once you know, you can research whether or not it is based on fact. When you have isolated the facts, you will know if someone is trying to manipulate you or not, and you can act mindfully and rationally. Robert Robert is an innovation/change speaker, author, and consultant. He works with companies that want to be more competitive through innovation and with people who want to think more creatively. Contact him via e-mail to michele@ 38 JULY 2020 WorldWide Drilling Resource ® G&O Wilson cont’d from page 22.
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