WorldWide Drilling Resource®
1. WorldWide Drilling Resource, Inc. (Company) acts for exhibitors and their representatives in the capacity of agent - not as principal. Company assumes no liability for any act of omission or commission in connection with its role as agent. Exhibitor and their represen- tatives hereby release WorldWide Drilling Resource, Inc. and its staff, individually, from all liabilities for loss or damage from any cause whatsoever. 2. Subletting space is not permissible, except with the written permission of Company. 3. If cancellation is made prior to July 1, 2020, refunds will ONLY be made if space can be resold. No refunds after July 1, 2020. SPECIAL CLAUSE : In the event of a natural disaster and/or declaration of national emergency by the President of the United States cancelling all gatherings which directly affects this event, Exhibit Fees paid to WorldWide Drilling Resource, Inc. , for WorldWide DownHome DrillFest™ will be refunded should the event be cancelled. If the event is postponed, such Exhibit Fees will be credited toward the new dates of the event. 4. Exhibits should not project beyond space allocated, and in no way, should they obstruct the view of, or interfere with, the traffic to the other exhibits. In addition, no light or sound should be used which would cause objection from another exhibitor. Company reserves the right to remove such objectionable fixtures. 5. All materials used in the exhibit hall shall be fireproofed and conform to all fire department regulations. 6. Helium balloons and adhesive-backed decals shall not be used or given away in the Welk Theater. 7. As a standard requirement for all of our show exhibitors, it is necessary for you to carry general liability coverage from an insurance company in good standing with minimum policy limits of $1,000,000 per occurrence and $2,000,000 aggregate. This insurance must be in force during the lease dates of the event, October 28-30, 2020, naming WorldWide Drilling Resource, Inc. as the certificate holder. Welk Resorts Hotel shall be named as additional insured. (Detailed instructions will be provided 30 days prior to event.) 8. Exhibitor acknowledges that WorldWide Drilling Resource, Inc. does not maintain insurance covering Exhibitor’s property, and it is the sole responsibility of Exhibitor to obtain business interruption and property damage insurance covering such losses by Exhibitor. 9. Restrictions: In an attempt to ensure our exhibitors and attendees enjoy the best experience possible at this WorldWide DownHome DrillFest™ , the following must be strictly adhered to: a. Person(s) not exhibiting under contract with WorldWide Drilling Resource, Inc. for this WorldWide DownHome DrillFest™ , shall not be permitted to market equipment, products, or services during this event (October 28, 29, 30, 2020). Such person(s) shall immediately be removed from the event’s facilities, their registration fee(s) forfeited, and any future requests to be a part of events under the management of WorldWide Drilling Resource, Inc. will be reviewed prior to any approval or denial to exhibit or attend. b. Any person(s), groups, or companies found to be disruptive during the course of this event, shall be immediately removed from the event’s facilities. Further, their registration fees shall be forfeited, and any future requests to be a part of events under the management of WorldWide Drilling Resource, Inc. will be reviewed prior to any approval or denial to exhibit or attend. These conditions are accepted by: ____________________________________________________________ Authorized Representative ____________________________________________________ _________________ Company Date Conditions of Contract to Exhibit WorldWide Drilling Resource, Inc. PO Box 660, Bonifay, FL 32425 • (850) 547-0102 • Fax (850) 547-0329 • October 28 - 30, 2020 • The Welk Resort, Branson, MO H. Method of payment By check: Make payable to WorldWide Drilling Resource, Inc. in U.S. funds. Invoice me By credit card: Complete the following American Express Visa Master Card Discover Card Card #:____________________________________ Security Code #:_________________ Expiration Date:_________________ Printed Name:_________________________________________ Signature:____________________________________________ Do NOT write in box below! Space Assigned:____________ Inside Outside By:_____ Initial Date:_______ G. Tentative Agenda Wednesday, October 28 2-7 PM Registration / Set-up ~ 7 PM Welcome Gathering (all welcome) Thursday, October 29 7 AM - 4 PM Registration ~ 8:30 AM Keynote 1 ~ 10:00 AM - 4 PM Exhibits Open ~ Noon - 1 PM Lunch 1 - 2 PM Keynote 2 ~ 5 - 6 PM Primer Hour ~ 6 PM Benefit Auction / Live Entertainment. Friday, October 30 7 AM - Noon Registration and Exhibits Open ~ Noon Event Closes - Tear Down
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