WorldWide Drilling Resource®
6 MAY 2020 WorldWide Drilling Resource ® Proudly Made in the United States of America since 2003 - delivered WorldWide ! WorldWide Drilling Resource Wor ® The complete magazine for the drilling industry worldwide, owned by drilling industry associates dedicated to bringing the most up-to-date technology and information to subscribers. Covering construction- geotechnical , directional , environmental , exploration-blasthole , shallow gas & oil, geothermal, mining , water well , irrigation , wastewater ; from bits, to pumps, to rigs, to tanks, through wire, and more - whatever it takes to get the drilling job completed ! Managing Publisher/CEO/President: Veronica I. “Ronnie” Jones Vice President: Troy Cunningham Chief Marketing Officer: Ed Moranski Office Administrator: Michele Stevens Editor: Bonnie Love Editorial Contributor: Carol Schimpf Public Relations Professionals: Kathy Heinrich Sheryl Day Production/Webmaster: Marcel Schimpf Representative: Marie Cunningham Editorial Contributors for this month: Tom Ballard Mark Battersby Tim Connor Jim Kuebelbeck Thomas Kwader Tim Rasmussen “Billy Bob Smith” Britt Storkson Harold White Robert Evans Wilson, Jr. Hyd/Eng Consultant: Thomas Kwader, Ph.D.,P.G. Consultant: Mary Ann Pelletier * Editorial contributions & advertisements include statements of fact and opinions that are the sole responsibility of the author and/or companies and do not necessarily imply any opinion of the owners, management, or staff of WorldWide Drilling Resource ® . Images may have been altered for clarity. Complete advertising information may be found at: www.worldwidedrillingreso or by calling 850-547-0102. WorldWide Drilling Resource ® makes every effort not to place advertisements for “like” products on the same page in our publication; this may occur however, due to size and space within the publication. We regret any inconvenience this may cause our advertisers. WorldWide Drilling Resource ® i s published monthly by: WorldWide Drilling Resource, Inc. , a Florida Corporation PO Box 660 (3089 Northride Lane) Bonifay FL 32425-0660. Telepho ne: 850-547-0102 Fax: 850-547-0329 E-mail: wwdr@worldwidedrillingres Website: www .worldwidedrillingresource.c om Copyright 2020, WorldWide Drilling Resource, Inc. Seen by countless WorldWide . Publication Agreement No. 40892520. Back issues may be requested. Cost per issue $10.00 USD. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any manner without the strict written consent of the publishers. Advertising rates furnished upon request. Editorial contributions are welcome subject to editorial review.* WorldWide Drilling Resource ® reserves the right to refuse any advertisement . We Recycle Hi friends, Wishing you all the very best as we continue to move forward in the recovery of the Pandemic COVID-19 which, in some way, has affected everyone worldwide. Many of us went to CONEXPO-CON/AGG in early March; and most will remem- ber this pin that was given to us as a friendly reminder to eliminate handshaking dur- ing this period in our lives. Why? Because our own hands are transmitters of this deadly virus. There were also many guidelines posted everywhere for safe distancing and continual handwashing, as well as using hand sanitizer and antibacterial sprays provided by the management (Association of Equipment Manufacturers) of this great event. Ed and I were there and did our best to adhere to these guidelines. We went to and from our rooms, to and from the event, and then to and from mostly one or two restaurants regularly. My son provided me with a heavy-duty spray because no one knows what is in hotel rooms. I used it every day when I returned from the show (after the room had been cleaned, just in case something had been overlooked). As we prepared to pack up that Friday night, as the show had been closed a day early, I took great care in spraying the inside of our suitcases and the banners, and other items we were packing in our show bags so as not to bring anything bad back with us. Delta Airlines had a fogging system which covered each plane in between flights, and special air filters to ensure, to the best of their ability, the air we breathed in was clean. Everyone onboard did their best not to touch each other, and the flight attendant on the flight into Panama City made a clear statement to all those in First Class and Comfort Plus NOT to reach inside the basket for the snacks. He handed each one of us what we asked for with gloved hands. Luckily, Ed and I had no repercussions from our trip to Las Vegas for that event. However, we have heard several of our friends and associates have been stricken, but happily are on the mend. As I said, hopefully, by the time you receive this issue of WorldWide Drilling Resource ® , our world will be moving forward in a positive direction. Stay safe and keep smiling - there is a better day ahead. Live one day at a time, BUT plan for the future. With pen (computer) in hand . . . Ronnie, Managing Publisher 850-547-0102 Featured Artic les for May Protecting Aquifers through Good Landscaping Practices Page 22 Protecting the Ground Page 33 Special Radar to Locate Drill Site Page 28 Celebrating the Drilling Industry Page 26
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