Griffin Coal Mine 800-421-2487 Through a conversation with our customer, we learned they were using claw and chevron bits in abrasive sandstone. After discussing the drilling conditions and settings, we recommended theDiamond Devil™ PDC . But, the idea of an expensive PDC was hard to sell since it would have to achieve footage that seemed impossible - so we sent a sample bit to the customer free of charge. He kept us apprised of the progress. The site operators estimated the PDC would need to reach 8000 meters to match their outsourced drag bit costs. 1000-1200 meters: “. . . I’m pretty sure that not many people involved in this trial thought the PDC bit would survive this long, but that’s only my opinion. I think it’s great.” 2188 meters: “And still going strong. The operator reported that pen rate was still good and in fact drilled a smoother hole than the blade bits.” 4700 meters: “Still going well, however we lost one diamond tip as you will see in the first photo. We believe this happened when it hit something hard down the hole, however, it has not affected its performance to date.” After reaching an astonishing distance, our customer called to say, “It’s with great sadness that I have to inform you the PDC has died at 24,563 meters.” On the right, are two photos of theDiamond Devil PDC ; one with 4700 meters on the bit and the other has 24,563 meters. After an astounding 80,000 feet of drilling on this bit, you can see the level of wear and the diamond cutters are still mostly intact. Griffin Coal is sold on theDiamond Devil PDCafter it surpassed their expectations. Experience it for yourself - call Palmer Bit today. 20 OCTOBER 2020 WorldWide Drilling Resource ®