SEMCO, INC. All-Hydraulic Hydrorench S112H in Stock 1-12” Four Rollers BreaksPipe,MakesPipe toTorqueSpecs 800-541-1562 238-135 Reese Rig & Tool Co. Praying for everyone during this season of time! * Large New Inventory Listings. Call for Inquiries. * WeBuyandSellAll Makes & Models of BE Cable Tool Rigs! Wanted all sizes of BE and other makes of cable tool rigs. Most Competitive Pricing of NEW Twin Disc clutches, PTOs, and other factory products. ***NEW Smeal / Hunke Pump Hoist*** Buy / Sell Used Pump Hoists - All Makes! E-mail: 740-408-0725 305-982 Hocker Drilling and Fishing Tools Special Price on Cable Tools! We accept Visa, MasterCard, & Discover. New & Used Cable Tools, Rope Sockets, Stems, and Bailers. Call 270-926-2889 307-107 52 OCTOBER 2020 WorldWide Drilling Resource de ®® 220-1278 We supply new and rerun PDC & tri-cone drill bits for HDD, water well, and geothermal drilling. We can repair your PDC bits in house. Call or e-mail us! 337-446-3230 220-712 238-673 Hydraulic and pneumatic tools in stock. Sizes 1” to 20”. Model 113HD All Hydraulic Sizes 1"-13" (208) 365-3492 • Fax: (208) 365-3792 238-574 305-170 (2) 55 SpeedStars, and Alten 32A, 24A. Call for price on rigs. 269-209-5594 Ray Leonard Battle Creek, MI USA December Issue Deadlines! Space Reservation: October 25th Display & Classified Ad Copy: November 1st 307-1261 Winchester Tool Cable Drill Bits Carbide Button Bits (540) 869-1150 307-518 Carbide Button Bits Cable Drilling & Fishing Tools Worldwide Manufacturer of Cable Drilling Tools 800-272-7886 307-1043