WorldWide Drilling Resource

6HQLRU 0DQDJHU (QJLQHHUHG &DUELGH 3URGXFWV 5RFN 'ULOOLQJ 7RROV 7RS +DPPHU '7+ &DVLQJ $GYDQFHPHQW 28 AUGUST 2021 WorldWide Drilling Resource® The “Idiots” Corner by “Billy Bob Smith” So I’ll start with a question - do you believe aliens are on earth filling a variety of roles and have been here for millions of years? As an addicted History Channel watcher of Ancient Aliens for many years, I am more than convinced we are not alone and it’s not just “ET”. Everywhere I look today I see practical evidence we are NOT alone and there are thousands of alien beings walking this planet in every city and every country. If you’re a believer, you’re not alone. As of 2015, a poll found over half of Americans believe in intelligent alien life. Everyone has their reasoning, but some arguments are more convincing than others. Those who believe they’ve seen a UFO often call any official explanation of the phenomenon a cover-up or an excuse to draw the public eye away from what “really” happened. Want some proof? In 1965, a giant “space acorn” landed in the woods outside Kecksburg, Pennsylvania. At least that’s what the town members and volunteer firefighters who found the craft said. The alien craft was supposedly the size of a car and covered in writing which resembled Egyptian hieroglyphs. Locals claim the U.S. military rolled in, secured a perimeter, kicked civilians out, and took something away on a flatbed truck. The military publicly denies having found anything in the woods that day. One more - The 1997 Phoenix Lights are one of the most documented sightings in U.S. history. Documentaries and fictional adaptations alike have portrayed the lights, a v-shaped formation that reportedly blocked out the stars and was seen by hundreds, as an incredibly realistic unknown. The lights are often seen as being connected to similar events in the Hudson Valley incidents and are viewed by researchers and witnesses alike as benign in nature. Okay, now a few of my recent personal examples . . . JAccording to the government, it is no longer necessary to wear masks because of COVID-19. Well, every day I see dozens of people still wearing them. Why? What are they hiding? JRegardless of the city, state, time of day, and weather, I am beeped at multiple times a day because I am not driving fast enough. Who are these people who are always in such a hurry to go where? Nowhere - or are they trying to get back to their home universe? JEvery day I see dozens of people who take better care of their toes, hair, or clothing than they do their bodies. Do they know some secret the rest of us don’t? Is what matters most how you look and not how healthy you are? Hmmm. Are there courses on other alien planets that teach this stuff? JWhere are these people getting all this information from . . . it’s certainly not here, or maybe it is and they have a secret society regular humans are not aware of. JSomething strange is going on in the world whether in the U.S., Europe, or Asia . . . everything seems to be suddenly moving in a different and dangerous direction, one these aliens are creating behind the scenes slowly but methodically, and they are trying to change society. Why? Is it so before we know it they will be in total control? Are they getting directions from their supervisors who are stationed on their home planets? JI went to the hospital for a routine checkup and, as I watched both the patients and staff, a strange idea came to me. Everyone was friendly and professional, but they all gave me orders like they were in charge of me. “Do this, go here, sit here, wait, now do this, say this,” they said. It started to feel creepy. Is this just me or are we living in a different world today - one that is being driven by aliens? Let me ask you - do you think you have had an encounter recently with an extraterrestrial? Billy Bob Contact him via e-mail to “Perhaps we’ve never been visited by aliens because they have looked upon earth and decided there’s no sign of intelligent life.” ~Neil deGrasse Tyson Michele, That looks great! Thanks for your time helping me get the ad we need. Jim Starr Hydro, Inc. Sterling, MA