24 DECEMBER 2021 WorldWide Drilling Resource® RENEW - SUBSCRIBE NOW! Excessive Automati by Britt Storkson Owner, P2FlowLLC Anyone who has read my articles knows I am a big advocate of automation technology for all sorts of things, like most anything, a little of something is good, but too much can be a waste or even create one or more proble There are lots of examples of this. When you apply fertilizer to your 1500-square-foot lawn and the fertilize your lawn? Of course not! Not only have you wasted nine bags of fertilizer, you have probably killed your lawn - The same goes for automation. As I have said before, not everything can be automated. Not everything sh with equipment that either shouldn’t be there or is unsuited for the task (both overbuilt or underbuilt), there’s no logical reason to hav Again, there are many examples of excessive automation everywhere. I’ll reference two Internet articles: One from the IQS® Dir this article and is from Ars Technica and titled: Experts say Tesla has repeated car industry mistakes from the 1980s. Tesla’s CEO Elon Musk said excessive automation at Tesla was his mistake. He even went so far to say “humans are underrat believe it to be. Bingo! This is nothing new. The article further notes General Motors went “whole hog” into automation in the early 1980s with similar re even greater costs when something failed and autoworkers had to stand around and wait for the automation vendors to come and fix In fact, the article notes one ironic consequence of improperly implemented automation often requires more workers than if the a on its payroll in the mid-1980s and compared it to a nearby Ford plant with about 3700 workers and many fewer robots. Yet the Ford Tesla isn’t doing much better now than GM did then. The article states GM/Toyota joint factory called NUMMI in 1997, had 4844 vehicles. So NUMMI built about 73 vehicles per worker whereas Tesla built about 8.3 vehicles per worker. That’s almost a tenfold dif Nowadays, automation is more sophisticated, but the same principle applies. One should implement the automation gradually, i the same metrics everything else in a well-managed business is evaluated. If it doesn’t improve the bottom line, it shouldn’t be there Br Britt Storkson may be contacted via e-mail Drain & Drill the Comp In 2017 and 2018, an oil company did seismic testing to search for oil at B cursor to additional permitting which could allow the company to drill there. Burn under the federal government’s Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. Accordin only to dredging and filling wetlands for the two well pads and access roads u The proposal shows the limitations of Biden’s order for Florida’s small drilli under the surface are privately owned. Collier Resources Company, from the Sunniland Trend runs under the preserve and produces about 2800 barrels of Burnett Oil Company, according to the application package, leases from C ernment. Park officials confirmed they received an application for new drilling a Oil will still need federal approval to go into the preserve and drill. The Biden administration signaled in its executive order it could re Burnett Oil, in a released statement said, “Our permit application is currently undergoing a rigorous technical review consistent adverse effect on the ecosystem or wildlife in the preserve, but we await formal consultation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service f According to Alia Faraj-Johnson, spokeswoman for Burnett Oil, they are confident they will find gas or oil. Faraj-Johnson added, “ for any wetland and wildlife impacts.” The company described its approach, which is to drill off a single well pad and expand using ho mination of oil production activities and restore the native habitats within the project footprint. They company is working closely with the creating a net zero impact on the wetlands in the preserve. Photo courtesy of the National Park Service.