57 DECEMBER 2021 WorldWide Drilling Resource® RENEW - SUBSCRIBE NOW! Are You Learning Your Lessons? by Tim Connor Before this day ends, I guarantee your partner will give you the opportunity to learn something about yourself. Relationships are an interesting and fascinating blend of events, processes, challenges, and growth opportunities. Life is not about what your relationship partner is trying to teach you, but what you are willing to learn about yourself as a result of sharing life with them. Relationships are a classroom. In a sense, class begins the day we begin our new relationship and ends the day the relationship ends, for whatever reason. There are no vacations or recesses, and you never graduate from this relationship school. There is no final exam and there is no pass or fail. You can, however, repeat a grade again and again until you learn the necessary skills or attitudes your teacher in this or any relationship class is trying to help you learn. Each of us is traveling through our unique lives toward a variety of circumstances, events, people, and outcomes. We are bringing these outcomes and people into our lives both consciously and subconsciously. Some people are good students and learn the necessary lessons the first time they appear, while others are stuck in the same old patterns, life dramas, and situations because they fail to bring the learning back to themselves. Class is not about what comes into your life, but how you handle it. Relationship adversity comes to all of us sooner or later. Some people give up, while others use the struggle to get better, wiser, or stronger. The key to happiness is to learn to bring all of the learning back to yourself and not to point your finger and blame others or life. You and I don’t get to choose all of the lessons in our lives or relationships and we certainly don’t get to choose how other people should learn their lessons. Each of us is on our own unique path through life into our future. One way to know if you have not yet learned one of life’s particular lessons is to observe that which is in your life now. For example, if you are having a particular relationship problem, there is most likely a relationship lesson you failed to learn in the past. The opening line in the all-time best selling book by Scott Peck, The Road Less Traveled, states: “Life is difficult.” Scott goes on to explain that life is only difficult for people who expect life to be easy. Are you learning our lesson well, or are you in blame or denial? In His service, Tim Tim Connor may be contacted via e-mail to michele@ worldwidedrillingresource.com Looking for a great advertising campaign? Every ad in this print magazine is online too!