25 WorldWide Drilling Resource® FEBRUARY 2021 TWWA’s Annual Meeting & Trade Show March 5 - 6, 2021 The Park Vista Hotel Gatlinburg, TN For more information: (865) 761-4363 tnwaterwellassociation@gmail.com www.tnwaterwellassociation.org Join Us For: Technical Sessions Trade Show Honor Award Auction Ladies Auxiliary TWWA Business Meeting TWWA Board Meeting Through the Back Door! by Jim Kuebelbeck This past summer, I received a call from a desperate homeowner in western Minnesota. He and his wife had just built a new home and had spent over $40,000 in a futile search for a satisfactory water supply. One of the boreholes had been drilled to a depth of 500 feet into granite. Another unproductive hole had been drilled into granite to a depth of over 700 feet. At that point, the drilling contractor told them he would not continue drilling on the property. After calling another well drilling professional for advice, they were told he had heard about their water problem and had been told by the previous contractor there was no satisfactory groundwater source on their property. The homeowners were absolutely devastated. The house was completed and ready to be moved into but had no water supply! I would have liked to have told him something about “putting the cart before the horse”, but thought better of it. I asked how large an acreage he had to work with, and he told me it was more than 20 acres. I felt with that amount of acreage there had to be one or two live-water flows somewhere on the property. Because of all of our scheduled local work at the time, I told him this was our busiest time of the year and we were hesitant to travel that far. “Please,” he said, “We need help now.” I told him I'd talk to my wife and call him later. After a lengthy discussion, Carol reluctantly agreed to travel to western Minnesota to attempt to locate a water supply for these people. I called him that evening, and he was much appreciative. Arriving at the property some days later, we located one (only one) underground live-water flow and marked the site. Before leaving the property, we insisted he only hire the well drilling professional we always recommend in that area of Minnesota, and he agreed to do so. Three long days later we learned a great water supply was encountered at a depth of 43 feet - not 500 feet, not 700 feet, but 43 feet! Do we enjoy what we do? Yes, we do. Is it satisfying work? Yes, it is. The statements and comments in this article are based on information and references believed to be true and factual. If you have any questions or comments, please forward them to me in care of WWDR. JimJim Kuebelbeck may be contacted via e-mail to michele@worldwidedrillingresource.com EXB April Issue Deadlines! Space Reservation: February 25th Display & Classified Ad Copy: March 1st Cance l l ed Cance l l ed