WorldWide Drilling Resource

34 JANUARY 2021 WorldWide Drilling Resource® What is a Geologist? Compiled by Bonnie Love, Editor, WorldWide Drilling Resource® What do you know about geologists? They study rocks and minerals, use rock puns, and like to lick rocks, right? Well, what you may not know is just how important geologists are to your everyday life. Geologists help mining companies locate the rocks and minerals used to create things such as cell phones, automobiles, televisions, computers, housing, medical supplies, even food and clothing. In addition to examining the location of rocks and minerals, some geologists also study the movements of rock formations throughout the history of our planet, allowing us to understand how our planet has evolved. There’s more than meets the eye when it comes to rocks. Rocks are actually made of varying mixtures of minerals and metals. With more than 5000 minerals in the world, there are tons of combinations to keep geologists busy. For those interested in geology as a profession, there are several specialty fields to choose from. Mineralogy covers the study of minerals. Geodesy uses mathematics to deal with the shape of the planet. Then there’s stratigraphy, which is the analysis of the order and position of rock layers, known as strata. Petrology is the study of the origin of rocks and minerals. Other special fields for geologists include paleontology, geophysics, geochemistry, hydrology, engineering geology, economic geology, and environmental geology. Geologists use three categories to distinguish rocks. Igneous rocks, like granite, are solidified molten magma. Sedimentary rocks, such as limestone, are formed as sediment accumulates and is compacted into stone. Metamorphic rocks are rocks which have changed into something new through heat, pressure, or chemicals. For example, marble is the metamorphic change of limestone. Geologists also study volcanoes. Did you know volcanoes are the architects of the world around us and responsible for 80% of the planet’s surface? Volcanic eruptions are just the first step; as lava cools and hardens, it eventually becomes the rocks we’re familiar with. Fossils are the remains of ancient animals and plants preserved in rocks or minerals. They offer a unique record of time, while formations and their movements give us a better explanation of what has happened throughout our planet’s geological history. For example, fossilized marine life found on top of Mount Everest lets us know the surface of the mountain was once located at the bottom of an ocean. Geologists are pretty good detectives. They use data from the field to create maps which are used to make predictions about what is lying underground. Exploration geologists also use maps, seismic data, and even molecules to search for energy sources. Whether it’s gas and oil or geothermal resources, geologists are the folks tasked with helping drill operators know exactly where to drill. So, why do geologists lick rocks? The answer is quite simple, actually, rocks look different when wet, so it’s a quick and easy way to get a rock wet in the field. Geologists are not only vital for the drilling and mining industries, they are an important part of all our lives. They are indeed, rock stars! Be gneiss to geologists and don’t take them for granite. EXB December Puzzle Solution: protection irrigation extraction percussion inspection Win a prize! Send completed puzzle to: WWDRPO Box 660 Bonifay, FL 32425 fax: 850-547-0329 or e-mail: michele@ Time for a Little Fun! Fill in the blank with a word that will form two words, one ending with it and one beginning with it. WORK ________ POWER BLOW ________ LAST SET ________ UP CUTTER ________ ROOM SHORT ________ BACK Congratulations to : Congr BJ Ford Ford Dr i l l ing, Ltd. Mani toba , Canada Winner for December!