SEMCO INC. E-mail: CALL OUR TOLL-FREE NUMBER: 800-541-1562 PO Box 1216 7595 US Hwy 50 Lamar CO 81052-1216 719-336-9006 719-336-2402 Fax Thank you to our return customers: Earl Sanders and Son Well Drilling, Inc. Lawton, Michigan SEMCO S6,000 Pump Hoist, standard 35’ derrick, 2-speed winch option, hot shift PTO automatic transmission, remote control, driver and passenger side pipe racks with ratchet straps, extra auxiliary valve option, sand reel with 1500’ capacity, 48” and 96” toolboxes, 11’ steel flatbed, factory mounted on customer's 2019 Dodge 5500. Reply to: WorldWide Drilling Resource, Inc. PO Box 660 • Bonifay FL 32425-0660 850-547-0102 PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID ATLANTA GA PERMIT NO. 3592