13 JUNE 2021 WorldWide Drilling Resource® Todd from GEFCO and William McPike from TGWA Board discuss the industry. Zooming in from high atop! WWDRcamera caught you! Ronnie thanks attendees for seminar comments. Attendee always wanted to wear his bandana. We met the DOT“D”ude! Franklin Electric. Mike Epley from Eijkelkamp and Ronnie had a nice visit. Busy at the WPS booth. Joel welcomes everyone. Happy Hour Begins! LGWA Board Members Those who make it happen! Seminar seats were filled to capacity while observing social distancing. Andre from Johnson Screens and Ryan from SIMCO® smile for WWDR. Ronnie and Sheryl were so pleased to be with LGWA! LGWA ladies enjoying fellowship. Concentrating hard on Bingo! To see more photos from this event, go to www.worldwidedrillingresource.com Feel free to download at will and print the photo(s) of your choice, compliments of WorldWide Drilling Resource®. Photos are copyrighted and released for personal use only - no commercial use permitted. LGWA’s Annual Convention & Trade Show April 12-13, 2021 ~ Marksville, LA