WorldWide Drilling Resource

31 JUNE 2021 WorldWide Drilling Resource® Find Wisdom in the Silence by Tim Connor We live in a noisy world and it's getting worse. Not being negative here - just dealing in reality. What do I mean by noisy? When I use the word noisy, I am referring to a number of factors that detract us from what really matters in life. If you look up the meaning of noisy, it would imply just loud or boisterous sound(s), but I am taking a broader view here and implying not just the sounds of noise, but the things that distract or prevent us from finding the benefits of silence or solitude in our lives. Think about it for a moment - what keeps your focus away from what really matters in life - technology, others’ expectations, busy agendas, negative emotions, regret or disappointment, uncertainty, fears about the future, stressful circumstances, or just being in a hurry as you go through your days and life? It is common knowledge that we tend not to learn valuable lessons in life if we don't take the time to listen to our inner voice or spend time in introspection. We are born, we keep busy, then we die - is that the purpose of life? I don't think so. Yes, many people give generously of their time, resources, energy, and experience to others in need, but the vast majority of people tend to be focused on their own problems, needs, wants, and life in general. Mature learning can't be accomplished in the midst of life's busyness - we need to spend time in silence just listening to God, our history, our experience, and our dreams and what they are trying to teach us about how to live a life filled with contentment, service, inner peace, and joy. When I talk about silence, I am not referring here to isolating yourself for a few hours each day to just sit, listen, and wait for answers, but the willingness and ability to take a few minutes periodically during each day prior to major decisions, actions, or responses and just quiet your mind by turning off the outside world - cell phone, TV, computer, anything that distracts you from spending a few minutes in the inner silence of introspection and consideration. There are numerous benefits to routine silence - physically, emotionally, and psychologically. Evidence has proven this simple activity lowers the negative impact of stress, helps you stay focused on what matters, and numerous other career, relationship, and life benefits. Then there is the opposite of quiet time - letting in the outside world with all its chaos, uncertainty, dysfunction, and speed of change with its increased stress, anxiety, frustration, disappointment, and fear. Believe me, the consequences of letting your outer world control your inner world is not worth the price, whether shortterm or not. You will pay for it in one way or another. The body and the mind need rest. The mind needs time to chill so it can always be a valuable resource for sound decision-making, appropriate actions, and effective life approaches. Without Wisdom cont’d on page 32.