WorldWide Drilling Resource

34 JUNE 2021 WorldWide Drilling Resource® Through the Back Door! by Jim Kuebelbeck In the March 2021 issue of WorldWide, I related one of my experiences with a geologist who was building a new home, and had recently drilled three dry holes on the property. Because of the known difficulty in obtaining satisfactory groundwater supplies in the area, after drilling the first dry hole, the well drilling contractor suggested my being hired to possibly assist. Because of his proclaimed personal disdain for the practice of water dowsing, the homeowner absolutely refused, and two more dry holes were subsequently drilled on the property. Finally, in desperation, he reluctantly agreed to make use of my “supposed” ability. After this article, I received the following response from a retired New Jersey well drilling professional. Because his response was so out of the ordinary, I would like to share it with the readers of WWDR: “I am supposedly a scientist, with a degree in chemistry. But as fate would have it, I became a water well [drilling professional], retiring after 45 years. As a condition of my education, I readily embraced the concept of an orderly approach to science, the repeatability of results of successful experiments, and the common theories of how our universe obeys a full set of rules. I used a full set of geological maps to locate the depths to suitable water, very successfully following established principles and completing almost every well I started drilling. Of course, that is the geology of New Jersey’s prolific sand and gravel aquifers along the coastal plain. Our scientists have through the ages discovered and applied, piece by piece, scientific principles. At this position in time, they have only scratched the surface of how everything works, how life was created, and how to produce vaccines to cure diseases. But there is so much more that our present level of knowledge lacks that leads me to believe undiscovered scientific principles are just waiting to be discovered. Therefore, relating to the “art” of dowsing, perhaps we are seeing through a limited number of people, “dowsers”, a window into that future of science that we do not presently understand. Which then leads me to believe that “dowsers” will, in time, become fully accredited “scientists”, when science catches up to future time. We should look back at history and remind ourselves that many of our present scientific principles were thought to be nonsense as early as 100 years ago. Now they have become the stalwarts of our store of knowledge. I just hope I live long enough to see the Science of Dowsing.” Jim Jim Kuebelbeck may be contacted via e-mail to EXB