37 MARCH 2021 WorldWide Drilling Resource® Nitrate Coated Premium Liners 5x6, 5x8, & 5x10 Gardner Denver 5-1/2x8 & 5-1/2x10 Gardner Denver 7-1/2x8 & 7-1/2x10 Gardner Denver Rods Heat-Treated & Chromed 5x6, 5x8, & 5-1/2x8 Gardner Denver 5x10 & 5-1/2x10 Gardner Denver 7-1/2x8 & 7-1/2x10 Gardner Denver New Pumps In Stock Gardner Denver 4x5 TEE Triplex. Gardner Denver 5-1/2x5 TEE Triplex Gardner Denver 4x5 or 4-1/2x5 Duplex Gardner Denver 5x6 Duplex Gardner Denver 5x6 Air Drive Duplex Gardner Denver 5x8 Duplex Gardner Denver 5-1/2x8 Duplex Gardner Denver 7-1/2x8 Duplex Gardner Denver 7-1/2x10 Duplex Gardner Denver 5-1/2x5 THE Triplex Gardner Denver 5x8 PAH Triplex Call for Prices. We Have a Variety of Brands of Mud Pump Parts and Power Units in Stock. Special or Obsolete Parts Made to Order. Cash for Surplus Mud Pumps. Rebuilt Mud Pumps 4-1/2x6 Gaso Duplex 4-1/2x6 Oilwell Duplex Gardner Denver 4-1/2x8 PA-8 Triplex Gardner Denver 5x6 Duplex Gardner Denver 5x10 Duplex Gaso 5x10 Duplex OVER 300 PUMPS IN STOCK Armstrong Machine Co. Inc. Pocahontas, IA 50574 USA 712-335-4131 ~ 24 Hours 7 Days a Week • Fax: 712-335-4565 800-831-4527 USA & Canada (8AM to 4PM Monday-Friday) armstrongmachine.com amci@armstrongmachine.com Hydraulic Grout Pumps 5”, 6”, & 7-1/2” Through the Back Door! by Jim Kuebelbeck Some of my experiences as a water dowser remain forever in my memory. On one such occasion, I received a call from someone who had just drilled three dry holes on a piece of property where he and his wife had just built a new home. His first words were, “I really shouldn't be calling you, but I don't know what else to do. I need a water supply! My well [drilling contractor] told me to call you before he drilled another hole on the property.” I said to him,“Well, if you really shouldn't be calling me, I'm a bit puzzled why you called.” I already suspected the answer, because I had often received similar calls in the past, but I decided to put him in a position where he had to respond. “Well,” he said, “I happen to be a geologist, and you probably know that we geologists don't believe in water witching. There's no scientific explanation for the practice, and I'm a total skeptic, but I guess I don't have a choice right now.” “Oh yes you do,” I told him, “You can just continue drilling holes at random and hope that sooner or later you encounter a satisfactory water supply - and by the way, the correct term for what I do is actually called dowsing. The term “water witching” was coined by geologists years ago when supposedly “uneducated” people were able to locate groundwater sources when the geologists themselves couldn't. I really do not care what anyone thinks about the credibility of the practice because EXB Kuebelbeck cont’d on page 38.