Reply to: WorldWide Drilling Resource, Inc. PO Box 660 • Bonifay FL 32425-0660 850-547-0102 PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID ATLANTA GA PERMIT NO. 3592 SEMCO S15,000 Pump Hoist, 48’ derrick, 2-speed winch with grooved drum, PTO direct mount pump with air shift, 3000’ capacity sand reel, hydraulic oil cooler dual fans, auxiliary hydro valve, power arm, hydro breakout cylinder, LED light kit for mast, power tong hookup to the rear, toolboxes, 16’ flatbed, factory mounted on 2012 Freightliner M2 106, manual transmission. This unit was in stock and ready to sell. Thank you to YOUR H2O PRO in Janesville, California, for your recent purchase. CALL OUR TOLL-FREE NUMBER: 800-541-1562 E-mail: PO Box 1216 7595 US Hwy 50 N Lamar, CO 81052-1216