WorldWide Drilling Resource

27 NOVEMBER 2021 WorldWide Drilling Resource® Environmental Monitoring by Thomas Kwader, Ph.D., P.G. Owner, Qwater Well Developer and WorldWide Drilling Resource® Hydrogeologist On Your Next Drilling Job, Consider Subcontracting “Nuisance” Tasks to a Specialty Firm Some drilling-related tasks just make more sense to subcontract out. Many of us are guilty of “hoarding” all of the work for ourselves (I am guilty also!). Drilling professionals by nature have the attitude of, “Oh yeah, I can do that!”, and try to do everything in-house when in fact, it often makes more sense (and cents) to subcontract some of those tasks out to include: 1) Preparing the drill site (grading, filling, compacting, etc.) 2) Preparing the Job Safety Plan (JSP) 3) Setting a large-diameter pit casing(s), often using a cable tool type rig 4) Drilling and logging a small-diameter test hole to determine the subsurface geology 5) Drilling a small-diameter water supply well for mixing drilling fluids 6) Renting a small construction trailer to store parts, supplies, and function as an office, restroom, place to retreat from bad weather, or take a break 7) Pressure grouting of long casings requiring high-volume, high-pressure cement pumping capabilities 8) Specialty services such as casing installation, grouting, acidizing for development In the end, yes, these services cost extra, but it may be well worth the cost considering what the cost would be if something goes wrong, and it distracts your crew from performing their primary task - which is drilling the well properly and meeting deadlines. There may also be some aspects of well construction that your company may not have adequate experience or personnel so - sub it out! Forming alliances or teams with other specialty firms can make a lot of sense. The right “partners” may actually bring you work they are aware of, but may not be capable or interested in performing and may decide to team with you, which makes a lot more sense (and cents) for your company. Tom Tom Kwader may be contacted via e-mail to ENV