7 OCTOBER 2021 WorldWide Drilling Resource® Your Focus by Tim Connor The ultimate achievement of a goal is less important than the ability to continue working toward it. Many people achieve their goal and are then disappointed once they get it. A goal once achieved is a milestone, yes, but you can’t just sit back and rest on your previous success. Even a shark will die if it doesn’t keep moving forward. So the key is just keep moving in the right direction if you want to some day arrive at the destination of your dreams. You tend to bring into your life that which is consistent with your focus. You can either focus on what is not working or what is; what you don’t have or you do; what you want or what you don’t; what you believe in or don’t. There is a great line (can’t remember where I heard it, just know I am not taking credit for it) that says: Be careful what you ask for, you might just get it. Most winners in life are grateful for their blessing, and focus on what they want, have, and can do. By the same token, most losers focus on what is missing, where they are not, and on what they can’t do. Persistence is the only way to guarantee your success over the long haul. Never give up. Never! The only way to know if your dreams will become reality is your willingness to stick with them regardless of setbacks, adversity, broken dreams, and negative feedback from the people in your life. How would you rate your persistence in life? Are you content with your life direction, or are you focused more on outcomes? A few quotes to ponder: “True greatness is starting where you are, using what you have, and doing what you can.” ~Arthur Ashe ”I couldn’t wait for success, so I went ahead without it.” ~Johnathan Winters “If we did all the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astonish ourselves.” ~Thomas Edison In His service, Tim Tim Connor may be contacted via e-mail to michele@worldwidedrillingresource.com “The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind.” ~William James LongtimeCentral Mine Equipment Company (CME) sales representative, Rick Hutchings retired at the end of June. He began working for CME in December of 1984, following several years as an exploration drill operator for Consolidated Coal Company. He quickly became an integral part of the CME sales team, delivering and demonstrating equipment all over the U.S., and when he was at the CME factory, he was heavily involved in product development and testing. Rick has also been very active within the drilling industry. He has been the face of CME at many industry trade shows and conferences, both as a representative and a presenter. Rick is a Board Member of the National Drilling Association (NDA) and is currently Chairman of the NDA Convention Committee. He plans to continue his work with the NDA, so be sure to look for him at the 2021 National Convention and other NDA events. Rick has been a valuable resource for customers throughout the years. His knowledge and experience has helped many get out of difficult drilling situations and has probably helped as many avoid them in the first place. His patience and communication skills made him successful wherever he traveled for CME. The company is grateful for his dedication to the CME brand for so many years and wishes him well in retirement. Congratulations from the WWDR Team! Co n g r a t u l a t i o n s o n Yo u r Re t i r e m e n t , Ri c k !