13 JANUARY 2022 WorldWide Drilling Resource® Boshart Group Acquires Simmons Manufacturing Boshart Group announced the acquisition of Simmons Manufacturing, a leading Georgia-based manufacturer of high-quality water well supplies. Simmons will continue to operate as an independent company within Boshart Group, upholding the same level of commitment to their employees, customers, and vendors. The team at Boshart Group would like to thank Robert “Bob” Engeman, Jr. for his leadership and commitment to the industry and to the company his father established in 1957. Bob credits his team for Simmons’ success, noting: “I would like to specifically acknowledge Mo Rainey for his dedicated sales and marketing leadership over the past 25 years and my son, Robert Engeman III, for the strategic contributions he has made in operations, as well as his ongoing commitment to Simmons and our team.” Bob Engeman, Jr., Mo Rainey, and Robert Engeman III will continue in leadership roles with the company. Boshart Group is celebrating this opportunity to partner with a family business and embrace future possibilities. For more information, click on this box in our online issue. Breaking News WHO’S IN THE NEWS Boshart Group’s Bo Andersson announced his retirement from the Water Systems Council (WSC) Board after more than 30 years. The first WSC Industry Icon Award was established and presented to him for his leadership and vision in the WSC and water well industry. Boshart President Julie Storey joined the WSC Board, taking the seat vacated by Bo. She has been an active member of the WSC for a long time. Additional announcements from Messe München can be found by clicking this box in our online issue at: worldwidedrillingresource.com Send your Who’s in the News to: bonnie@worldwidedrillingresource.com Bo Andersson (right). Julie Storey.