WorldWide Drilling Resource

34 JANUARY 2022 WorldWide Drilling Resource® Water Well Full of Snakes Takes Worker by Surprise Compiled by Amy White, Associate Editor, WorldWide Drilling Resource® It sounds like the makings of a nightmare, but a well full of snakes quickly became reality for an unsuspecting well drilling contractor in Iowa. When the crew member for Mort’s Water Company was called to check a well not functioning properly, it seemed like a routine maintenance job. However, upon pulling the pipe from the well, he unwittingly disrupted a ball of large snakes, pulling around eight or nine of them up with the pipe. The well had turned into a watering spot for the serpents which were found to be bullsnakes. According to Mort’s Water Company, “This is one of the main reasons why the top of your well casing should be properly sealed . . . [The snakes] got down the well through the top of a poorly sealed well casing.” The problem with the well, however, was not the snakes, but a pump and motor requiring repairs. As it turned out, the snakes were just a bewildering surprise in an otherwise ordinary workday. The snake story took social media by storm and even made national headlines. Nearly 200 comments on Facebook ranged from creeped out, to somewhat enchanted, to utterly grateful. “I would pack up and move,” wrote one commenter, while another replied, “Pretty snakes!!!” One woman humorously commented, “That creates perspective because any time I complain about my job, someone’s job today is this.” Many people tagged their friends and asked if they checked their well seals lately. Bullsnakes can grow to eight feet long and weigh up to ten pounds. According to the Missouri Department of Conservation, they are active this time of year. During the day, they may be found lying around in the sun; at night they take cover under objects. Apparently, they also like to take drinks at nearby watering holes from time to time. Bullsnakes are considered to be a “valuable neighbor to farmers” because they eat many rodents that could otherwise destroy crops. For this reason, they are also said to be “economically beneficial.” Fortunately, the employee of Mort’s Water Company was able to finish the repair job without further excitement. A pipe full of snakes was probably enough for one day. Editor’s Note: In between our print issues, the WWDR Team prepares an electronic newsletter called E-News Flash by WorldWide Drilling Resource®. This newsletter is filled with articles not included in our print issue. Based on readership, this was the most popular article of the month. Get in on the action and subscribe today at: WTR This is a good reminder to properly seal the top of your well casing. Photo courtesy of Mort’s Water Company.