16 NOVEMBER 2022 WorldWide Drilling Resource® Groundwater Week Booth 819 Slips and Falls - Earlier this year, a contract drill operator in Arkansas, was working outside of his drill when he fell over a 25-foot highwall. He did not survive the fall. MSHA would like to remind all mine operators and contractors to be aware of hazards associated with slips and falls. Following these best practices can prevent injury or death: n Wear fall protection when there is a danger of falling. Make sure the fall protection device has a suitable fall arrest and a secure anchorage system. n Train miners to properly use their personal protective equipment and to recognize potential hazards from falls and to safely perform tasks. n Provide communication systems when assigning miners to work alone. Slips and falls are a serious safety issue accounting for roughly 30% of all accidents in the mining industry. Taking the time to follow safety regulations is one of the best ways to prevent on-the-job injuries; after all, safety is everyone’s responsibility. MIN