WorldWide Drilling Resource

26 SEPTEMBER 2022 WorldWide Drilling Resource® Mobile Drill International: Pioneering Innovations for 75 Years Adapted from Information by Mobile Drill International In 1947, Mobile Drill’s founder, George Dickinson, tried to find a Jeep-mounted auger drill to drill the crop line of coal on his property on the Cumberland Plateau in Tennessee; but no one made such a drill. So, he bought a Turner post-hole drill on a Jeep and took it to a small machine shop and made some modifications to enable it to go to 50 or 60 feet deep. That summer, his drill was taken to the property to drill. While traveling to and from town, he was stopped by the Tennessee Roads Department to inquire about the strange-looking drill. George left with an order for several units and Mobile Drilling Inc. was born! By 1965, Mobile Drill outgrew their facility and purchased a new 65,000-square-foot plant and office sitting on five and a half acres in Indianapolis, Indiana, which Mobile Drill International (MDI) still calls home today. It was there Mobile Drill invented and brought to market the hollow-stem auger and pioneered the concept of “multipurpose” drill rig design. The commitment to innovation and building great drills led to successful market growth, and by 1985, the company had become a recognized trade name worldwide, having sold rigs in more than 100 countries. Fast forward to 2010. MDI was purchased by local ownership with a mission of building upon the legacy of the Mobile Drill product line while instilling a renewed commitment to quality, service, and innovation to better serve today’s drilling industry. In the following years, investments in updated product lines, technology, and company infrastructure coupled with a laser focus on customer service and continuous improvement have spurred a revitalized MDI. While building for the future, the company has not lost sight of its past and the critical role industry experience plays in providing excellent customer service. The company has two sales team members, Steve Morris and John Walker, each with over 40 years tenure with MDI, along with many team members in service and operations with over 25 years of industry experience. It’s this blend of knowledge and experience, coupled with talented newer team members which will guide Mobile Drill’s path forward. The company says, “Thank you to everyone who’s made it all possible!” Mobile Drill looks forward to being a trusted supplier and partner to the industry for another 75 years! ENV Mammoth Find in the Klondike Gold Fields Adapted from Information by the Government of the Yukon A well-preserved baby mammoth was discovered by gold miners working on Eureka Creek in the Klondike gold fields, located in the traditional tribal territory of the Trʼondëk Hwëchʼin in the Yukon, Canada. The Yukon is well-known for its fossil record of ice age animals, but mummified remains with skin and hair are rarely unearthed. This find is particularly special as it’s the most complete mummified mammoth found in North America. Geologists from the Yukon Geological Survey and University of Calgary recovered the frozen mammoth at the jobsite. They say over 30,000 years ago the baby mammoth died and was frozen in permafrost during the ice age. This preserved the remains in such vivid detail that all these years later we can glimpse into a time when the mammoth roamed the Yukon alongside wild horses, cave lions, and giant steppe bison. A quick examination suggests the wolly mammoth is female. Tribal elders named her Nun cho ga, which means “big baby animal” in the Hän language. The recovery of the prehistoric animal was a team effort and could not have happened without the collaboration of Trʼondëk Hwëchʼin, the Government of Yukon, and Brian McCaughan of Treadstone Mining. McCaughan said of his role in the discovery, “There will be one thing that stands out in a person’s entire life and I can guarantee you this is my one thing.” Klondike Placer Miners’ Association Executive Director Brooke Rudolf commented, “The Klondike Placer Miners’ Association is thrilled about this incredible discovery. We are proud to work with responsible placer miners, like the McCaughan family, that regularly contribute to the Yukon’s paleontological record through their work. We extend thanks to Brian and Sharon and the crew, as well as Yukon’s Paleontology Program and Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in for coming together so quickly to preserve and celebrate this rare find.” Photo of the baby mammoth courtesy of the Government of Yukon. MIN