WorldWide Drilling Resource

34 SEPTEMBER 2022 WorldWide Drilling Resource® 257 Caroline Street Punxsutawney, PA 15767 800-927-0560 • 814-427-2555 Fax: 814-427-5164 SERVINGTHECONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY Serving the Drilling Industry Caisson Drilling F Adapted from Information by Caisson drilling is a specific way to create strong structural foundations. Boreholes, called caissons, are drilled into the ground an by soil settling to avoid any structural damage which could otherwise result. With caisson drilling, weight-bearing concrete columns - supplemented by steel cages or other reinforcements - can reach all the The history of caissons is long and storied, beginning more than a century ago when caisson engineering was first used in the co structures as the Brooklyn Bridge, which finished its 14-year construction in 1883, and is considered to be a hallmark of American worked. In this instance, airtight wooden boxes were erecte and then filled with pressurized air so workers could Unfortunately, little was known about decompression sic ease at the time, and more than 100 workers were docu safety laws were not passed until 1909 in New York. After the so-called “eighth wonder of the world” was caisson projects. Because of the use of caissons and Bridge was the tallest structure in the western hemisphe In 1884, to prove its strength and stability, P.T. Barn Bridge. Over 130 years later, the bridge stills stands as Diagrams of caissons date back even further, wit Brooklyn Bridge represents one of the earliest and best While bridges remained the most common use of c to build piers, offshore platforms, and eventually, structures on land. Today, caisson drilling is one of the most effective means of suppo ings, and more, with reduced risk of shifting, settling, sinking, or other potential issues which accompany traditional, pad-type foundat of caissons, but drilling down to bedrock when possible ensures the greatest stability for large structures. There were no humble beginnings for caisson drilling. However, this innovation changed construction engineering, and it looks to Inside view of the Brooklyn Bridge caisson.