WorldWide Drilling Resource

Reinforced Advertising Program + 2 for 1 WorldWide has so much to offer, and yet we continue to find more ways to help our valued friends - YOU ! Wondering what this Reinforced Advertising Program is? In a nutshell it’s - Now for the + 2 for 1 = Not only will you, as a 12-time display advertiser receive a FREE classified ad* each month , you will be seen in PRINT with WorldWide Drilling Resource ® and you will also be seen ONLINE at no extra cost (as always) at - plus be there for years to come with our ARCHIVED issues. So I guess that is actually more than 2 for 1. Why not start now? The rates remain the same as they have for the past two years. Just call 850-547-0102 - Ask for Ronnie or Ed ~ we are here for you. PS - Don’t forget the WorldWide DownHome DrillFest™ in Branson 2020 / 2021 / 2022. Veronica I “Ronnie” Jones, CEO - President - Managing Publisher for the WorldWide team