WorldWide Drilling Resource

Northern Plains Chapter of the ISEE President: Billy Obermire Tel: 307-689-0050 29 WorldWide Drilling Resource ® MAY 2015 Black Hills Chapter of the ISEE President: Doug Hoy Frequently-Used Geological Terms Part 39 Glossary Adapted from the Dictionary of Geological Terms L - Continued Liquified Petroleum Gas - A com- pressed hydrocarbon gas obtained through distillation, and usable as a motor fuel, for heating, or in certain industrial processes. Abbreviated LPG. Lithic - Describes a medium-grained sedimentary rock and deposits of vol- canic origin containing abundant frag- ments of previously formed rocks. Pertaining to or made of stone. Lithify - To change to stone, or petrify; especially to consolidate from loose sedi- ment to a solid rock. Lithofraction - The breaking of rock f ragments dur ing t ranspor tat ion in streams by wave action on beaches. Lithographic Texture - A sedimentary texture of certain rocks containing calci- um, characterized by uniform particles of clay size and an extremely smooth appearance. Lithology - Description of rocks, espe- cially in hand specimen and outcrop, on the basis of characteristics such as color, mineral properties, and grain size. The physical character of a rock. Lithophile Element - An element con- centrated in the earth’s silicate crust instead of the mantle or core, and in the silicate, rather than the metal or sulfide phases of meteorites. Lithosphere - The solid portion of the earth, in relation to the atmosphere and hydrosphere. Portion of earth including the crust and part of the upper mantle. Lithostratigraphic Unit - A body of rock consisting mainly of a particular lithologic type, combination of types, or Diagram showing earth’s lithosphere, courtesy of LITHOSPHERE (crust & upper- most mantle) other unifying lithologic features. Unit with a two-part name, preferably con- sisting of a geographic name from its type area, combined with a descriptive term (e.g. Ohio Shale). Lithotype - A visible band in humic coals, recognized by physical charac- teristics rather than botanical origin. The four lithotypes of banded bitumi- nous coal are vitrain, clarain, durain, and fusain. Lit-par-lit - Having characteristics of a layered rock where layers have been penetrated by many thin, parallel sheets and tongues of igneous material, usually granitic. More terms to come next month!