WorldWide Drilling Resource

45 WorldWide Drilling Resource ® MAY 2015 Rob with Diedrich welcomes with a smile. Kevin at Palmer Bit Co. Some good buddies! Everyone’s having a great time! Send your Who’s in the News to: WHO’S IN THE NEWS - SINCE 2003 - The Texas Ra i l r oad Commission named Lor i Wrotenbery as director of the oi l and gas di v i s ion. Chairman Christi Craddick saidWrotenbery’s “knowledge and many years of experi- ence wi l l ensure that the Commission continues to pro- tect the people and na t u r a l resources of [Texas]...” New Director for Texas Railroad Commission Ted Cooksey j o i ned Chandler Systems, Inc. as their national sales manager. He has over 40 years of ex- perience in the water treat- ment industry. New Hire at Chandler Systems, Inc. Timothy Hinr i chs re- ceived a scholarship from the Minnesota Water Well Associat ion at thei r 93rd Annual Convention & Trade Show. Minnesota Water Well Association Scholarship WWDR photo .