WorldWide Drilling Resource®
WorldWide SUPER MART™ Call Now! 850-547-0102 QUICK CASH MONEY Paid for Drill Rigs, Pump Hoists, Mud Pumps, Drill Pipe, & Bits. RENE HENDON Tel: 281-260-0880 120-120 2002 Fleet auger drill rig Mobile Drill B-61 HDX , 6-cyl. diesel deck eng. on 1998 tandem axle F-900........... $55,000 Much tooling at additional cost. Call or text Jim: 281-773-8293 130-1258 SEMCO, INC. All-Hydraulic Hydrorench S112H in Stock 1-12” Four Rollers BreaksPipe,MakesPipe toTorqueSpecs 800-541-1562 238-135 42 APRIL 2020 WorldWide Drilling Resourcee ®® 220-822 Kathy 130-1247 CME-850X track-carrier auger drill rig , manufactured2000, 4BCummins engine, metal cleat tracks, in/out and side to side slide base, auto hammer, breakout table withwrench, (3) hoists pluswirelinewinch, L8Moyno pump w/new drivemotor, new starter and alternator, angle drill capable, cathead. Ready to drill............ $85,000 614-620-2212 220-1238 Value is not just price, but the overall service and experience offered by Throop Rock Bit Company. An ISO 9001 / TS 29001 Registered Organization (580) 628-3416 Fax: (580) 628-2703 E-mail: T 220-648 220-919 Jerry’s Bit Service Inc. will meet your every drilling need. We service and sell tricone, PDCs, as well as hole openers. Rather rent a PDC? No problem. Got you covered. Our company will repair your PDC regardless if it is a rental or purchase. (940) 683-2874 Fax: (940) 683-2874 Mobile: (940) 393-2394 Contact: Jerry Shoemaker Jerry’s Bit Service Inc. 710 CR 3336 Paradise TX 76073 USA 220-162 Call, Fax, or E-mail for Quotes PO Box 1067 ArcherCity, Texas 76351 940-574-2238 940-574-4977 Fax e-mail: Visit our website: 220-712 220-694 KC Bit & Supply, LLC 940-839-8857 If you miss WLS Bits - CALL US! We have them in stock! June Issue Deadlines! Space Reservation: April 25 th Display & Classified Ad Copy: May 1 st
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