WorldWide Drilling Resource®
Attendee Registration WorldWide Drilling Resource, Inc. • PO Box 660, Bonifay, FL 32425 (850) 547-0102 • Fax (850) 547-0329 October 28 - 30, 2020 The Welk Resort Branson, MO Please type or print clearly. Attendee Company Name:_______________________________________________________________________________________________ Name:___________________________________________ E-mail:___________________________________________________ Mailing Address:____________________________________________ City:________________________________________________ State/Province:________________________________ Zip/Postal Code:_____________ Country:_____________________________ Telephone:_____________________ Fax:____________________ Website:_____________________________________________ IMPORTANT Please Read: In an attempt to ensure our exhibitors and attendees enjoy the best experience possible at this WorldWide DownHome DrillFest™ , the following must be strictly adhered to: a. Person(s) not exhibiting under contract with WorldWide Drilling Resource, Inc. for this WorldWide DownHome DrillFest™ , shall not be permitted to market equipment, products, or services during this event (October 28, 29, 30, 2020). Such person(s) shall immediately be removed from the event’s facilities, their registration fee(s) forfeited, and any future requests to be a part of events under the management of WorldWide Drilling Resource, Inc. will be reviewed prior to any approval or denial to exhibit or attend. b. Any person(s), groups, or companies found to be disruptive during the course of this event, shall be immediately removed from the event’s facilities. Further, their registration fees shall be forfeited, and any future requests to be a part of events under the management of WorldWide Drilling Resource, Inc. will be reviewed prior to any approval or denial to exhibit or attend. Are you involved in? Construction/Geotechnical Directional Environmental Exploration/Blasthole Geothermal Shallow Gas/Oil Mining Water Other:____________________________________ (specify) Badges (Please list every attendee below as you wish their name badges to read) Name:______________________________________________ Name:______________________________________________ Company:___________________________________________ Company:___________________________________________ Name:______________________________________________ Name:______________________________________________ Company:___________________________________________ Company:___________________________________________ Name:______________________________________________ Name:______________________________________________ Company:___________________________________________ Company:___________________________________________ How many Badge Cost per badge Total Owner / Contractor / Manager $85 Spouse / Children (12 and above) $35 Drill Crew Person / Employee $60 Student $35 Non-Exhibiting Manufacturer / Supplier / Representative $1000 Tentative Agenda Wednesday, October 28 8 AM CE Registration ~ 9 AM Classes Begin ~ 2 - 7 PM Registration and Set-up ~ 7 PM Welcome Gathering (all welcome) Thursday, October 29 7 AM - 4 PM Registration ~ 8:30 AM Keynote 1 ~ 10:00 AM - 4 PM Exhibits Open ~ Noon - 1 PM Lunch ~ 1 - 2 PM Keynote 2 ~ 5 - 6 PM Primer Hour ~ 6 PM Benefit Auction/ Live Entertainment Friday, October 30 7 AM - Noon Registration and Exhibits Open ~ Noon Event Closes - Tear Down Total Due Member of State Association(s):_______________________________________________________________________________ Method of Payment By check: Make payable to WorldWide Drilling Resource, Inc. in U.S. funds. Invoice me By credit card: Complete the following American Express Visa Master Card Discover Card Card #:______________________________________________ Security Code #:____________ Expiration date:________________ Printed name:______________________________________________ Signature:__________________________________________ HOTEL RESERVATION: Room Rate: $112.50 plus tax per night (No Resort Fee) E-mail: Phone: 800-808-9355 Group #610572 Name:_______________________________Telephone Number:________________ Address:_________________________________________________________________________ E-Mail Address:___________________________________________________________________ # of Adults:____ Children:____ Children Ages:________ Arrival Date:________ Depart Date:______ Credit Card #___________________________________ Expiration Date:___________CCV#_____ The Welk Resort will contact you with your confirmation. 8 AUGUST 2020 WorldWide Drilling Resource ®
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