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Newest Gold Mine in the Yukon is Up and Running! Adapted from Information by Victoria Gold Corporation Victoria Gold Corporation announced its Eagle Gold Project, in the Mayo Mining District of Central Yukon Territory, Canada, has transitioned into an operating mine. Construction at the company’s Dublin Gulch property was completed ealier this year and was handed over to the company’s operations team a month ahead of schedule and on budget. The operations management team is fully staffed and in control of the site. Including construction and recent mine operations, over 1.7 million hours have been worked since the last Lost Time Incident (“LTI”). Including the beginning of mine operations, more than 160,000 hours have been worked without an LTI. “I am extremely proud to announce that construction of Eagle came in ahead of schedule and on budget. It’s a tremendous accomplishment and speaks to the quality of the entire team,” stated John McConnell, president and CEO. The mine will produce doré, which is a mixture of gold and silver, from a conventional open pit operation with a three- stage crushing plant, in-valley heap leach, and carbon-in-leach adsorption-desorption gold recovery plant. The company has year-round road access to the site, and a fully operational 250-person all-season camp on-site. The project will employ 350- 400 people and will be a significant economic contributor to Yukon. The first gold pour was live streamed on the company’s website in September. “The pouring of first gold at Eagle is an important milestone and we are thrilled to share it with everyone,” said McConnell. “Looking back, this is the culmination of many years of dedication and hard work by numerous stakeholders. Looking forward, this first gold pour is expected to be swiftly followed by positive cash flow, and we intend to grow production and resulting cash flow into the future.” So far, over a million tons of ore have been mined from the Eagle pit, which is 60% more than scheduled for 2019. A considerable amount of what was thought to be waste rock proved to be ore through assaying the production drill cuttings as part of the grade control program. 18 JANUARY 2020 WorldWide Drilling Resource ® MIN
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