WorldWide Drilling Resource®
by Tim Rasmussen Every year there seems to be differ- ent challenges. For several years we have used a shipping agent in Quebec, Canada. His prices are reasonable and the service has been excellent. This year, there was a snag. Everything seemed normal at first. The truck was ordered, came, loaded, and left. We received an invoice for $5700 or so for the shipping, then immediately sent a wire transfer. Several days later, our agent inquired about the payment. We began to track it back from our end. Our bank maintained they had sent it to the bank in Canada. The shipper’s bank maintained they had not received it. So where was the money? There was no way to easily find out. Finally, we sent a check by mail and made a demand to refund the wire transfer. This seemed to wake someone up, and the money mysteriously appeared in the Canadian bank. Now there was an overpayment to refund! The best we could find out was some intermediary bank had a question about something and just held the funds. Somehow the request for a refund shook loose the answer. Sounds like they have been taking lessons from Guatemala - when in doubt, do nothing. One of the important donations last summer was a large air compressor for use with the Mayhew. It is larger than we need, but should be able to run at low speeds and easily supply all the air to do air rotary drilling. The compressor made it through the customs process without seri- ous difficulty. Edgar finished training with HydroLOGICA and made it safely home. He was happy to be back in Guatemala after this eye-opening trip. This was the first time he had been out of the country, and it was a huge experience for him. When he was with HydroLOGICA, he got to work with large, new, top-of-the-line rotary rigs. Our old Mayhew looks worn and small to him now, but he is anxious to put the rig to work using his newly acquired knowledge. Gary and Jon went down to Guatemala and made progress scouting out new locations for wells this coming season. Henry had obtained the applications and made the initial contacts to find suitable locations. At present, there are ten loca- tions which seem promising. Once again, Water For Life is getting ready for a new drilling season. If you have rotary skills and want to do some- thing different, contact us through this publication. We have a place for you. We offer no pay, hard work, good food, great rewards, and a life-changing experience. If you would like to help, contact Gary Bartholomew at 509-466-5075 or 509-939-1941. Tim Tim Rasmussen may be contacted via e-mail to michele@ 37 WorldWide Drilling Resource ® JANUARY 2020 Congratulat ions to: Rob Hel ton JR Dr il l ing, LLC Edgewood, NM Winner for December! Time for a Little Fun! December Puzzle Solution: AMS, Inc. Rex McFadden Ltd. Win a prize! Send your completed puzzle to: WWDR PO Box 660 Bonifay, FL 32425 or fax to: 850-547-0329 Can you identify which ads in this issue these two photos came from? WTR
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