WorldWide Drilling Resource®
Environmental Monitoring by Thomas Kwader, Ph.D., P.G. WorldWide Drilling Resource ® Hydrogeologist Protecting our Aquifers by Utilizing Good Landscaping Practices at Home Unfortunately, over the last century, new homes have been built to have a “clean” look from “street view” - concrete driveways, steep sloping roofs, decks in the backyard, in- ground pools, etc. Many of the designs are for appearance and do not consider the impacts to the environment. Prior to development, the gently sloping lots had more porous topsoil areas with thick grasses and leaf cover that absorbed most of the rain falling directly upon the land surface, which filtered it and allowed it to percolate into the aquifer. Generally, the trend has been to contain, collect, and quickly direct the rainfall off the property along roofs, gutters, concrete, asphalt, and other hard surfaces downgradient rather than infiltrate into the soil to recharge the shallow aquifer(s). As communities continue to grow and develop, the lots are generally becoming smaller and denser, with the per- centage of impervious surfaces consistently increasing. With an ever-increasing percentage of runoff being chan- neled and piped to stormwater systems, and quickly downhill to ponds, creeks, and rivers, the percentage of groundwater recharge in the uplands is consistently decreasing; however, the water demand (usually groundwater from wells) is increasing. We could easily and painlessly reverse this trend by increasing the amount of recharge in residential areas with some of the following suggestions: 1) Water from roofs could be collected in gutters and directed to gently sloping grassy areas for increased groundwater recharge, 2) Use of small grassy swales aligned perpendicular to the runoff flow direction can slow water run to increase percolation rates, 3) Utilize porous type concrete to allow percolation in driveways and sidewalks. (This stuff is amazing! I have seen a water hose stream of five gallons per minute be absorbed in a five-foot circle.) 4) Consider building a small pond with a sandy bottom to percolate excess rainfall, or to be stored for lawn irrigation dur- ing dry times, 5) Use “rain barrels” to collect rain from roof gutters to water grass and plants. The emphasis is to allow more water to filter and percolate in the upland areas to provide more water for recharge of shallow aquifers. Tom Tom Kwader may be contacted via e-mail to michele@ October 1-2, 2020 Embassy Suites by Hilton Charlotte-Concord Golf Resort & Spa, North Carolina For more information call 877-632-4748 or visit Registration Now Open! 2020 NDA Convention Exhibitor & Sponsor Opportunities Available! • Golf Outing • President’s Dinner with Awards & Entertainment • Presentations for CE Credits • Outdoor Static Displays • and More... 22 MAY 2020 WorldWide Drilling Resource ® ENV July Issue Deadlines! Space Reservation: May 25 th Display & Classified Ad Copy: June 1 st
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