WorldWide Drilling Resource®

oc urce e ingl dWide rloW Dril R so .cnI, ecurose Rngillir Dedi dWlroW y buo yotthguor rdially inv B You are W In ites you to our First Annual te OOLU'HPR+QZ' id ldWro R vi in ŒWVH) d! Branson, DR lk Wht t i WW Missour , a e e This trade sh and services througho place for you. One-on questions quickly. Continuing e str indu y and perhaps The 2 t b O t R 8 T esor on c o er -30. We ar fdif ow is erent than most, and str ut the drilling indu y. No m -one interaction with the manu ducation will be available We some you have wanted to mee eam will be readily noticed i is h e excited about providing t should provide up-to-date inf atter what type of drilling you facturers, suppliers, and distri dnesday morning in the theat t. n their e esaf red ty v sts eagerly de th seawco sho i tunropp ty o t ormation on new or changed e do now, or are looking to ven butors will ensure you get the re with speakers you have kn looking forward to visiting wi dung in rilli stry. quipment, products, ture into, this is the best answers to your own throughout the th you and providing ti answers to any ques f The irst to c e r A Cance waren ss Mo Please take a reach the internet, ple TO ATTEND/EXHIBIT. I ATTENDEES: Complete ons you may have during the e ome through the doors at regi nth ~ October . Just our way o few minutes to either call us ase go to our website rwww. t opens to t of a lis forms and in the Attendee registration, con vent. stration, will receive a o e esaf complimentary pink ty v st sh wing support of Breast f saying we care. at 850-547-0102, OR if you have access to a computer, iPad, or any way you can ; then click on the banner that shows CLICK HERE formation. tinuing education forms, make your hotel reservations by completing the form and e-mail address. Bringing your better half? rEasy r RQ WKH $WWHQGHHnV )RUP WKHUH LV HQLQJ RQ WKH th fo October. ; Call with any questions 850-547-0102, we are here to help. Choose your booth, U HO UHVH YDWLRQV DQG \RXnUH RQ \RXU ZD\ WR VHHLQJ DOO WKRVH JUHDW GULOOLQg contractors gain. e gre edrillin sourc .comor text to 850-258- 0DQDJLQJ 3XEOLVKHUnV FHOO ID[ WR , Inc rce ., PO Box 660, Bonifay FL 32425. me Party Wednesday evening in the outdoor exhibit area e-mailing it to the Welk Resort at their reservations D EUHDNGRZQ RI WKH H[FLWLQJ /DGLHVn ([FXUVLRQ KDSS EXHIBITORS r &RPSOHWH WKH ([KLELWRUns registration I LQGRRU RU RXWGRRU FKRRVH XUQLVKLQJV PDNH \RXU KRW str and associates in the Drilling Indu y WorldWide a Scan and either e-mail to lFe Dril st2020@worldwid 850-547-0329; or mail to eg R ide rldW Wo Drillin sou We look forward to seeing you at the Welco r f Fo urther information, you can visit our w be more than happy to answer your questions. MO/Et/Cn side reP ,DFLQRUH9 rd g forwa inko ebsite atwww.worldwidedrilli Lo r ishe blug Pngiana VHQR-pHLQQR5o ,ere thuog y ine seo . e gren sourc .comor call us at 85 t 0-547-0102. We will D dWide lWor ® e our seR ing lir l c 31 WorldWide Drilling Resource ® OCTOBER 2020