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Through the Back Door! by Jim Kuebelbeck When I first began submitting articles for publication inWorldWide , it was never my intent to convince readers or to possibly change their mindset about what has become not only my avocation, but my current occupation as well. I had simply wanted to relate some of my own personal experiences regarding the still unexplainable faculty of water dowsing. Admittedly, my initial interest in water dowsing was total disbelief. My main objective at the time was to attempt to discredit the many exaggerated and embellished stories about water finders I had heard as a young farm boy back in the 1940s. Most rural water sources in our area of Minnesota were obtained from wells hand-dug down to the existing shallow water table. Not only did the digging of these wells require many weeks of hard labor, but all too often a water source was not encountered and the only recourse was to make another attempt some distance away in hopes the next one would prove to be successful. To possibly put the odds in their favor, rural landowners would often seek the advice of a “water finder” who supposedly possessed the ability to sense an underground water source. When a water source would subsequently be encountered on the chosen site, the belief in the credibility of water dowsing would then be reinforced in the mind of the landowner. My thinking at the time was the laws of chance and average came into play, and the landowner could have dug a well most anywhere some distance away from the previously dug dry hole and encountered a shallow water source. In the many accounts of a water dowser's ability, I still believe it to be true. In other situations, however, I discovered the claims of certain water dowsers and their unexplainable ability could not be denied. It was then I had to admit I was totally wrong about my previous mindset and was forced to acquiesce to the age-old adage, “The best-laid plans of men and mice often go awry.” I ultimately came to my own conclusions. In my opinion, the greatest obstacle to the acceptance of water dowsing as a credible method of locating underground water sources by the general public lies within the quirks of human nature. There is an inherent trait in our nature that suggests “if another person can do something, I should be able to do it also.” To believe otherwise, goes against our very nature. Realizing our own limitations, however, is difficult to accept. This is especially true for would-be water dowsers. It is my observation that when most individuals are first introduced to the unexplainable practice of water dowsing, it is one of initial disbelief. But when they are shown that with the use of a dowsing instrument of some sort, they too are able to receive some sort of neuromuscular reaction, it somehow instantly transforms them into an accomplished water finder! What isn't realized is they have no idea what it is that caused the dowsing instrument to react in some way. Therein lies a problem. If they have been told their dowsing reaction is an indication of the presence of an underground water source, in most cases they are badly mistaken. I will have to admit, with a bit of practice, certain individuals can sense shallow earth anomalies (changes in geologic structure etc.), but not everyone has been endowed with the ability to sense the presence of an underground water source. Therefore, in and of itself, a dowsing reaction of some sort is quite meaningless unless the person can determine just what it is that caused an instrument to respond. Unfortunately, many wouldbe water dowsers seldom make the effort, and subsequently attempt to provide (unfounded) judgment about the presence of an underground water source, only to be later proven wrong in their prediction. Such is life. The statements and comments in this article are based on information and references believed to be true and factual. If you have any questions or comments, please forward them to me in care ofWWDR . Jim Jim Kuebelbeck may be contacted via e-mail to EXB 8 SEPTEMBER 2020 WorldWide Drilling Resource ® Purina plant smelled like cat food. ~Tom Bates Subscriber Snapshot