40 APRIL 2021 WorldWide Drilling Resource® Through the Back Door! by Jim Kuebelbeck A number of readers have commented on my December 2020 article in WorldWide Drilling Resource® regarding “low-yield” water wells. Even in areas where low-yield wells are common, aboveground storage tanks can be the solution to a landowner’s water needs. In my opinion, aboveground water storage tanks in areas where low-yield wells are common, make much more sense than depending upon the limited water reserve available in a length of well casing. With a large enough aboveground storage tank, even a low-yield well can often provide an adequate supply of water. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand why municipal water towers in most towns and cities around the country are constructed aboveground. To the best of my knowledge, the law of gravity is quite dependable. Even when sources of electricity are temporarily lost for some reason, the force of gravity from elevated water towers continue to provide adequate water supplies to the people connected to the system. Municipal water supplies require many thousands of gallons in reserve, however, and the water supply in most municipal water systems requires constant replenishment. In many cases, this water is often obtained from multiple wells. In private aboveground storage tanks, however, it can be quite different because most water is generally used during particular peak periods of use. In situations such as these, constant replenishing is generally not necessary and can often be accomplished during times of little or no usage. Many landowners with aboveground storage tell me they only refill their tanks during the night and never experience any water shortage problems the following day. If this is true, perhaps many landowners with persistent water shortage problems might consider aboveground storage as a solution. As a water dowser, I'll readily admit I don't have all the answers for everyone's water problems. I have never drilled a water well in my life and don't pretend to be particularly knowledgeable about the procedures necessary for a professional to make the best possible water well. I do take the greatest satisfaction, however, in being able to locate satisfactory groundwater sources in especially difficult areas by the dowsing methods I have developed. The statements and comments in this article are based on information and references believed to be true and factual. If you have any questions or comments, please forward them to me in care of WWDR. Jim Jim Kuebelbeck may be contacted via e-mail to michele@worldwidedrillingresource.com WTR