18 AUGUST 2021 WorldWide Drilling Resource® 000 & 50 sec pS a 5 ™ 8 tseFlli l rD e om Hn ow D de i e Wdl or W launnA nd ocec S eh t su eeS a t Through the Back Door! by Jim Kuebelbeck As a water dowser, I have amassed more memorable accounts over the years than I am able to relate within the pages of WWDR. Most memorable are accounts of the locating of satisfactory groundwater sources in areas where, after the drilling of numerous dry or unproductive water wells, drilling professionals, geologists, and hydrogeologists had determined that satisfactory groundwater sources were not likely to be encountered on the property. In these last resort situations, as a water dowser, it is quite satisfying to be able to locate good groundwater sources in the very areas where such supplies were thought not to exist. Although I am able to locate the most promising sites to drill a satisfactory water well on a piece of property, I am always reluctant to accept requests to locate irrigation wells for farmers and ranchers. I can locate the most promising drilling sites in these situations, but I have no control over the existing geologic structure beneath the surface. There can be a billion gallons of water below, but if the existing geology will not allow the free passage of water through it, the hundreds of gallons per minute needed for an irrigation well cannot be obtained. I always make this as plain as possible to the landowner, hoping they will not hire me. This often falls upon deaf ears, however, and I am hired anyway. Carol often tells me not to accept any more irrigation jobs, because “one of these times we'll probably get to a piece of property where the desired volume of water cannot be obtained, and the landowner will hate us forever!” So far this hasn't happened, but I know the day might be coming. Two Minnesota well drilling contractors called us recently and asked if we were willing to locate a site for irrigation wells on properties where they were unable to do so. I told them of Carol's advice to me about not accepting any more jobs for irrigation wells, but they wouldn't listen. We had worked for them in similar situations in the past, and Carol finally agreed to do “only two more” irrigation jobs! Both jobs turned out well, however (no pun intended). One of the sites we selected produced about 1000 gallons a minute, and the other site produced almost 2000 gallons a minute; but from now on, I think I'll let Carol handle all future irrigation requests! The statements and comments in this article are based on information and references believed to be true and factual. If you have any questions or comments, please forward them to me in care of WWDR. Jim Jim Kuebelbeck may be contacted via e-mail to michele@worldwidedrillingresource.com EXB