CONTINUING EDUCATION REGISTRATION FORM aUGUST 16, 2021 NAME______________________________________________________________________________________________________ COMPANY_________________________________________________E-MAIL___________________________________________ TELEPHONE #______________________________________ STATE OF RESIDENCE_____________________________________ LICENSE/CERTIFICATE #______________________________**Photo ID is required at sign-in. WWDRis committed to offering the opportunity for quality continuing education sessions. The following are the continuing education morning and afternoon sessions as of this printing. Please check the boxes to select sessions and fax completed form to 850-547-0329 or e-mail to DrillFest2021@worldwidedrillingresource.comor send to PO Box 660, Bonifay, FL 32425 Session 1 (8:00-9:00) Room: “Madrid” Presenter: Kevin McGinnis Title of Course: (Part One) An In-Depth Look at the Use of Chemicals for Restoring & Maintaining Performance of Water Wells Session 2 (9:00-10:00) Room: “Madrid” Presenter: Kevin McGinnis Title of Course: (Part Two) An In-Depth Look at the Use of Chemicals for Restoring & Maintaining Performance of Water Wells Session 3 (10:00-11:00) Room: “Madrid” Presenter: Fred McAninch Title of Course: Better Performance for the Drilling Unit Session 5 (1:00-2:00) Room: “Madrid” Presenters: Troy Cunningham and Wade Jones Title of Course: The Importance of Proper Equipment Maintenance & Safety as a Result of Not Doing So Session 4 (11:00-12:00) Room: “Madrid” Presenter: Ron Peterson Title of Course: The Necessity of Proper Planning & Follow-Through with Clear Goals & Expectations Session 6 (2:00-3:00) Room: “Madrid” Presenter: Todd Bromley Title of Course: Safety and Experience: Are We Properly Preparing the Next Generation? MORNING SESSIONS 8:00-12:00 AFTERNOON SESSIONS 1:00-5:00 LUNCH Noon-1:00 Session 7 (3:00-4:00) Room: “Milan” Presenter: Ray Roerick Title of Course: (Part One) Orthoscopic Well Rehabilitation Session 4 (11:00-12:00) Room: “Milan” Presenter: Matt Gordon Title of Course: Hammer Monitoring, Maintenance, Service Schedules, Inspection, Assembly & Disassembly Session Details Each session is $35. Each session provides 1 CEU. Sign-in is required for each session attended. Certificate of completion for sessions will be provided. Second Annual WorldWide DownHome DrillFest™ 2021 Join the WWDRTeam on August 16 - 18, 2021 in Branson, Missouri WorldWide Drilling Resource, Inc. - PO Box 660, Bonifay, FL 32425 - (850)547-0102 - Fax (850)547-0329 CHATEAU ON THE LAKE Resort Spa & Convention Center 415 North State Highway 265 Branson, MO 65616 1-888-333-5253 Welcome Party - Inside & Outside Equipment/Rigs/Booths - CEUs - Ladies’ Day Karaoke - Music - Dancing - Keynote Speaker - Dinner - Benefit Auction Session 8 (4:00-5:00) Room: “Milan” Presenter: Ray Roerick Title of Course: (Part Two) Orthoscopic Well Rehabilitation Session 3 (10:00-11:00) Room: “Milan” Presenter: Chris “Piglet” Cutter Title of Course: All About Drilling! Q & A Discussion Session 6 (2:00-3:00) Room: “Milan” Presenter: David Kill Title of Course: Selection of High-Capacity Well Pumps | OR | | OR | | OR | 19 AUGUST 2021 WorldWide Drilling Resource®