31 AUGUST 2021 WorldWide Drilling Resource® www.starironworks.com 257 Caroline Street Punxsutawney, PA 15767 800-927-0560 • 814-427-2555 Fax: 814-427-5164 SERVINGTHECONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY Serving the Drilling Industry Borehole Drilling to Select a Nuclear Repository Site Adapted from Information by the Nuclear Waste Management Organization (NWMO) In preparation for constructing a deep geological repository for Canada’s used nuclear fuel, the NWMO plans to drill a deep borehole in the South Bruce, Ontario area. Borehole drilling, coring, and testing is an important part of the technical site evaluation work, building understanding of the rock and water underground. This crucial work will aid in assessing whether the site is a safe location for the repository. Construction of the access and pad for the borehole was completed at the end of 2020. Predrilling activities completed at the borehole site included: an environmental due diligence walkover; a survey of the features of the land’s surface; an archaeological survey; cultural verification and ceremony by Saugeen Ojibway Nation; as well as a predrilling noise and emissions study. Core samples and downhole testing will add to the current understanding of the geology and hydrogeology of the area. Earlier this year, the NWMO geoscience team and their contractor completed predrilling water well sampling and testing at the potential repository site. Landowners who participated in the monitoring received data on their wells, while others were contacted about a separate set of water well monitoring activities supporting the environmental baseline monitoring program. NWMO drilled the borehole in the spring of 2021. In addition to borehole drilling, the NWMO plans more field activities in 2021 to further characterize the geology of the potential site. They will install microseismic monitoring stations across the region to monitor seismic activity, such as low-magnitude earthquakes. Shallow groundwater monitoring wells will be installed in the area, and geophysical studies will be performed. This environmental baseline monitoring is about understanding the current local environment, including the water, air, flora, and fauna, to avoid, prevent, or mitigate impacts of the work if South Bruce is selected to host the repository. The NWMO’s geoscience and environmental work will inform design and planning for the potential construction of the repository in South Bruce, should the area be selected to host Canada’s plan. South Bruce is one of two communities remaining in the NWMO’s site selection process, alongside Ignace, Ontario. The NWMO plans to select a site in 2023. Sampling & testing a water well. South Bruce, Ontario. ENV