13 DECEMBER 2021 WorldWide Drilling Resource® RENEW - SUBSCRIBE NOW! a TGWA 20 nd T 22 Convention Embassy S Janua rade Sh Annual TX Center - Frisco, uites Frisco Hotel & ry 25-28, 2022 ow Convention tgwa.org/an (512) nual-convention 472-7437 e NOV Launches the Pursuit™ Reamer As the U.S. drilling market evolves, drilling professionals are pursuing target zones deeper and farther than ever before. Wellbore condition is an important consideration with reduced trip frequency and increased potential for tight spots, ledges, and cuttings bed accumulations. With this in mind, ReedHycalog developed the Pursuit™ reamer, a second-generation well conditioning tool specifically designed to meet requirements of the U.S. market. When using the Pursuit reamer in a drilling assembly, the wellbore is slightly enlarged, effectively conditioning the wellbore and reducing string-generated torque while effectively agitating cuttings beds and removing accumulations. The new product’s features include one-piece construction; dual-height and dual-function blade design; multifunctional advanced placement software; low-torque cutting structure; and many more. For more information, click on this box in our online issue. Breaking News WHO’S IN THE NEWS Additional announcements from NDA, Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM), Industrial Scientific, Orion Construction, and Deep Foundations Institute (DFI) can be found by clicking this box in our online issue at: worldwidedrillingresource.com Steve Parisano received the Golden Driller Award from the National Drilling Association (NDA) in appreciation for continued service, contributions, and dedication to the drilling industry. Send your Who’s in the News to: bonnie@worldwidedrillingresource.com Sue and Steve Parisano.