YOUR AD COULD BE HERE AND SEEN BY THOUSANDS ALL YEAR! 33 DECEMBER 2021 WorldWide Drilling Resource® RENEW - SUBSCRIBE NOW! A Long-Hidden Resource in Peril Compiled the Editorial Staff of WorldWide Drilling Resource® Charles Bowden’s Killing the Hidden Waters, published in 1977, examines the Southwestern U.S. from the angle of mining vital water resources and what this has meant for the people and the land. He attemped to inform people about the costs and limits of using groundwater. Even now, nearly half a century later, this is a timely message, especially in the same region where ancient aquifers are being depleted at an alarming rate. Some of these aquifers hold in their vast underground reservoir, a special kind of water known as fossil water. Fossil water, also called paleowater, is found in an underground water aquifer geologically located in an undisturbed place. This water, which likely came from melting ice sheets, ancient lake systems, and a generally wetter climate tens to hundreds or thousands of years ago, percolated into porous rocks, which were then buried under deep layers of sediment and sealed off from the surface. Fossil water has been locked in the aquifer for thousands of years. Because hydrologic conditions at the time of fossil water’s creation were quite different from those currently replenishing groundwater, this resource is considered nonrenewable. Fossil aquifers yield water for consumption, agriculture, and industry. With their discovery in the second half of the 20th century, this ancient source of water was tapped into by drilling wells to transform sunny dry places into acres of green farmland. Some fossil water lies closer to the surface, but most of it is pumped from deep wells, around 800 feet deep. How the mixing of ancient and modern water occurs in these deep wells is still unclear and a subject for further study. For people living in arid or semiarid regions, these aquifers have been the single most important source of water, but if precipitation is low, the aquifers receive little to no recharge. New studies suggest many fossil aquifers may become depleted this century. WTR Empire State Water Well Drillers Association Annual Meeting January 18 - 19, 2022 For more information, visit us online: Turning Stone Resort Casino Verona, NY For Hotel Reservations: 800-771-7711 January 18th 9 am - 4:30 pm Board Meeting Variety of Classes (TBD) 4:30 - 7:30 pm Cocktail Party & Trade Show January 19th 9 am - noon General Membership Meeting Hidden Resource continued on page 34