50 DECEMBER 2021 WorldWide Drilling Resource® RENEW - SUBSCRIBE NOW! In Memoriam Wade Charles “ My SON~ a SON is a shoulder to lean on Losing a son is like losing your right arm, like feeling a constant burning in your heart that will never go away ~ it is permanent. There are many things I’ve had to do in my life, but this is one of the hardest. My son, Chuck has been my son since he was 12 and his brother Troy was only 6 months old. They were inseparable growing up in the Gainesville, Florida area; and of course there was the dreaded sister Lora who was always present. The three of them were Al’s and my pride and joy. They learned from the school of hardknocks, because that’s just how it was at our house. Each one of them proved to be outstanding adults, so I guess it didn’t hurt them. He was planning on retiring in 3 years and wanted to move into a cabin in the Panhandle of Florida to be with his brother; looking forward to working with Troy in his business and at the sawmill. Actually, he would practice doing all sorts of things when he came up . But he had a passion for helping people and saving lives - thus ShandsCair held onto him and those 3 years kept being 3 more years. Enough of me, now this is a portion of his obituary his daughter, Hayley wrote for him: GAINESVILLE - Wade Charles Jones passed away doing what he loved on Saturday, October 16th, in a motorcycle accident while vacationing in Georgia. Wade’s proudest legacy is his two daughters Shelby and Hayley, and his beautiful grandchildren Marley Mae (3 years old) and Bodhi Wade (1 year old). Wade also leaves behind five siblings: Debra Jones Baker, Kim Oliver, Terri Straughn, Lora Floyd, and Troy Cunningham; as well as the mother of his children Lynn Jones; and his mother-by-marriage Veronica Jones. Wade was born December 12, 1961, in Gainesville, FL, on his Grandfather Wade Charles Kite’s birthday. He was welcomed into the world by his parents Shirley Kite and Albert Jones. Wade grew up with four sisters: Debi, Kim, Terri, and Allison; later gaining a fifth sister, Lora, and a brother Troy. With many loving aunts, uncles, and cousins also in the mix, a dull moment was impossible to find. He had many passions and hobbies in life, but above all, he loved spending time with his family. Years were spent laughing together while playing video games, board games, showing off dance moves, or swimming in the pool. Summers were a non-stop game of Marco-Polo to a soundtrack of Hootie and the Blowfish or Tom Petty. Even as the girls grew up, the playing never stopped. Wade was always ready for a game of cornhole, giant jenga, ring toss, or more fun in the pool with the grandkids. Most importantly, he was Dad to his daughters and “Goondah” to his grandchildren who all return his immense and eternal love for them. If you’ve ever shared a minute with Wade, you’ve likely shared a laugh, and if you’ve ever shared a meal together, there was probably Tabasco involved. Wade was many things to many people but always his one-of-a-kind self in every relationship and situation. He was a hero in the first responder community and saved countless lives during his years serving as a firefighter / paramedic for Alachua County and then as a flight paramedic for ShandsCair. He was not only who you wanted by your side in an emergency or crisis . . . One of Wade’s favorite sayings was “I’m here for a good time, not a long time.”, and while the time was not long enough by the measure of those still here, there is a peace in knowing he made sure the time was good. Wade was not one for rules, but he strove to live by the “Golden Rule” and regularly encouraged his daughters to do the same. He knew God and often stated with conviction that he knew where he was going after this life. He was well aware of the preciousness of life from his work, and he knew how to make time count. He imparted his fun-loving attitude on the many lives he touched and wanted everyone to join the party. He was always there with a hug, an “I love you man”, and a cup of coffee. He found joy in making people laugh and feel loved, and at that he excelled beyond measure. Many people are alive today because Wade lived, and many more know love and laughter because they shared it with him. Wade’s life gave us immeasurable gifts and although there will forever be an aviator-shaped hole in our hearts, he would want us to follow his example and fill it to the brim by caring for each other and enjoying all the good times we can. A Celebration of Wade’s “Chuck’s” life was held on Tuesday, October 26, 2021, at the Family Church in Gainesville. He was honored in a way I had never before seen - his body had a beautiful escort from Georgia by ShandsCair - many vehicles were in the procession down Interstate 75 into Gainesville, and the streets and overpasses were lined with his ShandCair Family and vehicles. At the Church that day, his ShandsCair family lined up to watch the “Fly Over” of the helicopters he knew so well. As was my son Chuck, I’m sure that day and every day he looks down smiling upon us, wondering what is up next! Troy, Chuck’s brother, s Wade (Chucky) Jones This was my brothe his boat while we were ladies, especially one, continued his education once the vehicle was ou been Helreigle and Bul Lynn Jones. I truly belie Once he became a Hwy 27 in Levy County loaded the deer, and dr up, but it was the vest v He would come ou the base of a tree and s using his 308 with scop walked up to the deer; t grazed the deer’s head sitting in the dining room found their mark almost Once I had finally m called that because not lady’s knife wound back and block the road or st In the meantime, W pictures of them. We w Panhandle and we had girls got to drive it down We soon found our chased my first Harley scenes. We had so ma called and told us that F rain and traffic - as Wad and brother - you damn I had one last awe because of COVID; so it and he came into my a full presentation set u versa. We had been tal was to retire soon and h the point to say, “We als had talked about makin I haven’t even touc not a sad or mad man, His dad, Al Jones affectionately called him Charlie Wade. We invite you to view this celebration video to bring smiles to your faces. (Click Here.)